YES!!!! It's so sexy and he gets a taste and I get a taste. Also, if you decide to give your partner oral, why wouldn't you broaden it to a kiss afterwards!!!?
yes, both me and my partner will initiate kissing after oral, i think that because oral is so intimate its nice to be really close and affectionate afterwards.
i think everyone should try it at least once so they know what they're missing out on
We do, although I'm probably guilty of being a little cautious after she's done it to me, but that's more subconscious! On the surface, I see no problem with it.
Of course I would kiss! If my boyfriend has just given me oral then he deserves a kiss! Plus who cares? It's intimate and I think I'd want to be kissed if I had just given someone oral. I think oral is fun, not at all disgusting and something I really enjoy so kissing after is essential. And I agree, it is sexy!