The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
NO! What we need is tranqs... lol.

No i dont bellieve that violence would make a kid respond more or less, its society hun.
Reply 2
NO! What we need is tranqs... lol.

No i dont bellieve that violence would make a kid respond more or less, its society hun.

I just think if kids can't learn the difference between right and wrong, maybe they should be made to fear what would happen to them if they did knowingly do wrong. It's a proven method of teaching. Besides, if they don't break the rules they have nothing to worry about.
Reply 3
No, its too severe a physical punishment (not that it would be brought back anyway...)

Na, it's never gonna happen. But if it did I think it would work. I don't approve of any kind of child abuse - it's the fear element thats needed to stop kids from doing naughty things.

A better solution would be to give children less right to think they can behave however they like and get away with it while teachers fear legal action if they react. But there's a fine line between giving teachers more power and opening it up for abuse.

How would you do that though? Kids don't care if they get told off, it doesn't make them feel bad about what they've done.
One of the channell islands still has the cane and they have almost zero street crime. Im not fantasticly into the idea of using pain as a method of teaching but it seems to work there, likes.
Reply 5
One of the channell islands still has the cane and they have almost zero street crime. Im not fantasticly into the idea of using pain as a method of teaching but it seems to work there, likes.

And I understand that until fairly recently public birching was still used on the Isle of Mann.
Reply 6
And I understand that until fairly recently public birching was still used on the Isle of Mann.

birching? (Apologies for my ignorance!!)
Reply 7
birching? (Apologies for my ignorance!!)

Basically "caning" but with a birch cane rather than a cane cane (if that makes any sense?!) Birch hurts more apparently.
Reply 8
Basically "caning" but with a birch cane rather than a cane cane (if that makes any sense?!) Birch hurts more apparently.

Oh right, thanks - D'uh! Probably should've figured that out by myself really! Ouch! Spoons on the knuckles/elbows/kneecaps hurts quite a bit too, maybe they should introduce that in schools - teach the little blighters a lesson - hehehe!!
Reply 9
yeah go on, seeing as i have left but still get hounded by the little buggers they need a lesson in respect.

use football boots! they did that to my uncle lol
Reply 10
heh, it's certainly a more effective form of coercion than what they've replaced it with.
Reply 11
They don't seem to be learning about respect or morals and how to treat other people. Do you think using a punishment like the cane would work?

And how exactly would beating them teach them this?
Reply 12
And how exactly would beating them teach them this?

They wouldn't get beaten if they were good.
The arguments against the cane from the lefties is that it is barbaric and that there are other methods of disciplining kids. OK then, tell me one. Ever since kids have stopped being filled in discipline has hit rock bottom and started digging. Kids are running wild, getting upto all sorts, no respect at all. This is because adults are not controlling them, not dominating them when they grow up. In the future, they will grow up thinking they can behave like this, and society will suffer.
When kids are bad, they need filing in! It's not about disciplining with pain, it's the physcological effect of teaching kids that they are juts kids, there is nothing that adults can't do to them, where as today you have to be mega careful what you do, and the kids know exactly what u can and can't do to them. When kids are bad, a little smack, them draw a line under it. For kids to respect the system, the need to know they are being totally dominated by it.
Reply 14
The arguments against the cane from the lefties is that it is barbaric and that there are other methods of disciplining kids. OK then, tell me one. Ever since kids have stopped being filled in discipline has hit rock bottom and started digging. Kids are running wild, getting upto all sorts, no respect at all. This is because adults are not controlling them, not dominating them when they grow up. In the future, they will grow up thinking they can behave like this, and society will suffer.
When kids are bad, they need filing in! It's not about disciplining with pain, it's the physcological effect of teaching kids that they are juts kids, there is nothing that adults can't do to them, where as today you have to be mega careful what you do, and the kids know exactly what u can and can't do to them. When kids are bad, a little smack, them draw a line under it. For kids to respect the system, the need to know they are being totally dominated by it.

At the end of the day, the bottom line is this, When kids got a kicking, discipline was good, kids were good, society was good.
These days, kids can't be shouted at even, the scum bag kids are rewarded for being scum bags, they are paid money to go to these 'springboard' schools, they are nasty foul mouthed ill disciplined in-bred mutants. How do the lefties explain this? They say that hitting kids is wrong, but the facts are there, how do you square them away?
what makes u think my name is southam? it ain't
Reply 17
At the end of the day, the bottom line is this, When kids got a kicking, discipline was good, kids were good, society was good.
These days, kids can't be shouted at even, the scum bag kids are rewarded for being scum bags, they are paid money to go to these 'springboard' schools, they are nasty foul mouthed ill disciplined in-bred mutants. How do the lefties explain this? They say that hitting kids is wrong, but the facts are there, how do you square them away?

yeah the thing is they weren't good cus they want to be, because they were scared. is that a good basis for better behaviour/morality? surely we should try and implement a better method of improving behaviour rather than just giving them beatings everytime they step out of line?
Reply 18
yeah the thing is they weren't good cus they want to be, because they were scared. is that a good basis for better behaviour/morality? surely we should try and implement a better method of improving behaviour rather than just giving them beatings everytime they step out of line?

Stepping out of line wouldn't be an option. Whats the point of having any rules if children are allowed to break them all the time with no consequences? Ever heard of Pavlov?
Reply 19
Do we really want children to be brought up in fear of their teachers? What good will that do anyway? Teachers can do their job best if they are in a nice environment, not one where the whole class is fearfull of them. Caneing can brutalise teachers aswell, just listen to adults talking about some of the barbaric things that were done to them as Children.
What age would you suggest teachers are allowed to start caneing children 4,5 or older. School should be a pleasent experiance for children not a time when they live in fear of physical pain. What sort of message is it sending them if we are saying physical violence is an ok punishment? We don't have torture or beatings as punishment for criminals, how is it fair to let a rapist be put in prison without physical torture and have a 10 year old child beaten for answering back.
People can say that it would only be as an extreme punishment but who is going to monitor it? If you were a parent would you be happy to sit back knowing that there is the possibilty that your child could be beaten at school I know I wouldn't. Have you seen pictures of the damage that caneing can do? That isn't a small amount of pain. People condem child abuse because the child gets hurt and therefor the cane shouldn't be reinstated because the child gets hurt it is therefore child abuse. Remeber that people under the age of 18 are children and should be protected from harm. If we don't treat our crimals with physical punishment how can You justify hurting our children.