The arguments against the cane from the lefties is that it is barbaric and that there are other methods of disciplining kids. OK then, tell me one. Ever since kids have stopped being filled in discipline has hit rock bottom and started digging. Kids are running wild, getting upto all sorts, no respect at all. This is because adults are not controlling them, not dominating them when they grow up. In the future, they will grow up thinking they can behave like this, and society will suffer.
When kids are bad, they need filing in! It's not about disciplining with pain, it's the physcological effect of teaching kids that they are juts kids, there is nothing that adults can't do to them, where as today you have to be mega careful what you do, and the kids know exactly what u can and can't do to them. When kids are bad, a little smack, them draw a line under it. For kids to respect the system, the need to know they are being totally dominated by it.