The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
yes it is.
good things to do to put on muscle..... go and talk to your gym. get professional advice
Reply 2
I'm curious, you a boy or a girl?
Reply 3
im a boy
Reply 4
Ah right ok! Well just below 7 Stone if Im correct? Well. That is very low. You need to eat - lots. Or, at least visit the doctor or some sort of dietitian?
Reply 5
any recommendations on what to eat??
Reply 6
anything, at 44kg your allowed to go and stuff your face
Reply 7
alan, get off tsr, u wanna come for poker, about 4 of us will be here 8:30ish, maybe get u a lift. wanna tag along?
Reply 8
not really
Reply 9
man stop being such a will eventually get bored of tsr, just quit while it hasnt damaged your brain...more..
Reply 10
You might have a very high metabolism, so you will have alot of trouble gaining weight no matter how much you eat.

Perhaps you should see a doctor, overactive thyroids can cause high metabolic rates.
Reply 11
No, not anything. You have to be careful of your health, and you want to be careful of diabetes. I would start taking protein shakes and protein bars. Also, eat quite a bit of fat. So, don't hesitate to eat in fast foods and when at home try and eat a balanced meal, but one that has a lot of calories. Don't worry about eating steaks which are fried in oil, chips, chocolate (in moderate amounts of course), etc...
Reply 12
1. see a doctor
2. if the doctory doesnt help, try stuffing your face
3. if that doesnt help try mass gain powder from nutrition stores
Reply 13
man stop being such a will eventually get bored of tsr, just quit while it hasnt damaged your brain...more..

Haha says something about you if he'd rather sit on a internet forum then go out with you.
Reply 14
lol maybe
I'm rather like you- but I'm 6'3" and 10st (I'm sorry- I refuse metric on stubborn principle!) and 17. I'm also one of the most ridiculous eaters my friends and family know, as I can, and invariably do, consume large amounts of food- I suppose it's just the way the body works... Anyway, muscle beats fat, so eat lots of protein-rich food if it bothers you.
Reply 16
is muscle heavier than fat? Thanx

Are bricks heavier than feathers?
Reply 17
You could go live on the Sun or Jupiter... after all, W=mg.

Are bricks heavier than feathers?

I'm guessing you couldn't work out from the context he means denser?
Reply 19
From the context? As far as I know, heavy doesn't mean dense. Saying something like that does though.