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Relationship advice


Me and my girlfriend have been together for only about 3 months. She went on holiday last week and comes back on sunday. Before she left we had a chat and as we`d spent the first few months long distance as i was stil long distance we both agreed we werent sure what woul happen at the end of summer coz its so difficult to be 5 hrs away. On sunday she texted me saying the night before she`d come in from a nite out on holiday and sat up thinking about us and that she didnt see us going anywhere. She said as all her mates have bf`s who live in our home town, her mates were always speakin to them, coz of my phone and hers having poor signal we werent able to speak that much til sunday. ( now sorted the phone problem) After the text i was a bit suprised as we were on great terms when she left. She called later on the sunday to chat about it and was saying that maybe it wouold be better to be friends as she didnt want eiither of us to get hurt at he end. I get the feeling she is scared she`ll get hurt at the end. Before she went we were cool with our situation and were going to have a great summer spending time together. My plan anyway is now to send a couple of texts b4 she gets back on sunday then ask her to go for a drink a few days later. I think this might be best as i really feel its just because she`s on holiday that shes feeling like this and face to face back in home environment i think she`ll feel different? we`re really good together and really comfortable in each others company and i really think summer would be better if we were together in some form rather than just friends.?
Like any decision, you'll be swayed by the pleasure of continuing the relationship and the counter-acting force of the pain of soldiering on, oblivious to what the reality of the situation is. Ask yourself what your pleasure/pain balance is like.

Any true relationship takes two and you clearly haven't got that. Move on.
Reply 2
Ron Stoppable
Like any decision, you'll be swayed by the pleasure of continuing the relationship and the counter-acting force of the pain of soldiering on, oblivious to what the reality of the situation is. Ask yourself what your pleasure/pain balance is like.

above, is a quote almost worthy of a place on my signature.:smile:
I'd let her go clearly she does not want a relationship and it's too much for her.
Reply 4
Yeah but my point is i still think we could have fun for the summer not necessarily a relationship. Everyone always gets so enthralled by the `relationship` thing. We both know we care for each other, get on great and are attracted to each other so surely its better to have something than just be friends.