The Student Room Group

What's his intention? (part 2)

A few days ago I posted 'What's his intention?':

So we went out. Had a meal. Talked. Went to cinema. Had a good time. At the time it felt good, because we were like friends getting to know eachother better.

However I have the awful habit of thinking about things too much and making them into a big problem (like now perhaps). My friends said it was weird that a boy who has a girlfriend pays for a friend who is a girl (he paid for both meal and cinema... I tried to pay him back, but you know when people are all 'no need to' sort of thing). Some are saying he's either naive or stupid to think of doing what he did... others say he's trying to get into my pants, but I highly doubt it as he's a sorta a family friend so if he did try any of that he'd get a bit of a bad reputation.

And I'm still a bit confused as to my feelings with him... if he's still with his girlfriend, no problem. But he never mentioned her. And my mom has totally the wrong end of the stick. I told her it wasn't a date but she is still asking me questions several days after about it, and does all those 'oohs' and 'aah's that people do when you go out with someone on a date. Which it wasn't.

Ok, I think too much and aren't making much sense. Help me make some sense of the situation, please.
What's his intention?

Reply 2
id just be careful, make sure the line between being friends and being an item doesnt blur. Cos him having a girlfriend is going to cause problems if either of u ends up wanting more.

To be honest, if if didnt know about the "girlfriend" i would of said it was a date.
Reply 3
Without reading the other thread....

Why does he need to have intentions by being a nice friend and treating you to a night out?
Reply 4
Sometimes guys do insist on paying even if they have no intentions other than friendship, leading to much confusion on all sides *speaks from experience*.
Sounds like he's just being friendly to me.
Reply 5
Without reading the other thread....

Why does he need to have intentions by being a nice friend and treating you to a night out?

See this is when me thinking too much comes into it. You could be right. Maybe he is just being a mate and being nice.
I just have it in my head that when guys are nice to me, it means they want something more, as stupid as that may sound. The only guys I can recall being that nice to me where ones that fancied me. Sure, I have made a few guy mates before him, but we don't go out and do things, we just talk on msn and text and meet occasionally. Plus if I compare it to my other guys mates who I've known for several months, perhaps even a year now, we hardly do anything. Yet with this guy we have only spoken for less than a month and he's already taken me out.
others say he's trying to get into my pants,

exactement mes sentiments
he DEFO wants to get into your pants,
ask someone how he feels about you if you can...then you shall find out
Reply 7
exactement mes sentiments
he DEFO wants to get into your pants,
ask someone how he feels about you if you can...then you shall find out

What makes you so adament that he is?
Plus I can't ask someone, we have different sets of friends. If I want infomation, I should get it from the horse's mouth, right? But that could ruin our friendship...
Reply 8
What's his intention?

His planning on ritually killing you, in defiance of mainstream society, and in worship to the garden faeries...

On a serious note, I don't think anyone can tell you what his intentions are, as:
A) We don't know him.
B) All people have different norm's, values, and attitudes....He may be a good friend...I've took girls out before...He may want you....I've took girls out who I was sexually attracted too....
What makes you so adament that he is?
Plus I can't ask someone, we have different sets of friends. If I want infomation, I should get it from the horse's mouth, right? But that could ruin our friendship...

cos im coming froma typical boy's viewpoint- sure u start off all luvvy-duvvy, boys dont care about that- deep deep deep deep down, they're thinkin how long it is till they're let into the girls pants-: then, sweet sweet bliss lol.

also depnds wot you want- your thread shows that you may fancy him (even if you deny it, you really do even if it is a SMIDGEN)

when i asked my ex out/asked her how she felt, she said she appreciated that i asked her directly- duno if it'll be the same way round
Reply 10
On a serious note, I don't think anyone can tell you what his intentions

I know that, I was just hoping more for opinions on the situation. Also, how would you girls feel if your boyfriend took out a female friend to dinner and a movie? I told my friends of a 'hypothetical' situation (i.e. this) and they all started to say if their boyfriend did it, it would seem a bit strange.

And to usama-ahmed, thanks for informing the users of TSR of how you wish to get into girls' pants.
you're welcome
any volunteers? <rubs hands gleefully>