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Reply 1
well based on the fact we dont know what you look like, i'll say expect results....never
Reply 2
LOL............but seriously If I do 20 sit ups a day

Then when will I see the fruits of labour?
Reply 3
how fat are you?
Reply 4
You have to have like under 12%? (near someone to back me up on that) body fat....
Reply 5
i think its like 13%
Reply 6
LOL............but seriously If I do 20 sit ups a day

Then when will I see the fruits of labour?

No, it takes a lot more than that.
Reply 7
No I aint fat, I'm slim.

I weigh 68KG.
Reply 8
Lol...20 situps a day. I think not!

If you want to do some decent muscle training it needs to be more like a couple o hours 3-4 times a week i would say, and intensive stuff at the gym.
Reply 9
68KG! but how tall are you?
Reply 10
1. If you're human, you have a six-pack.
2. If you want a visible six-pack you'll have to trains abs and lose weight.

There is no set percentage level for when your abs become visible, it is variable upon genetics and how big your abs are.
Also, even if you do all those sit ups and get a nice six pack... it won't go if you have flabby arms and fat legs.
IMO go for the full works.
Reply 12
^ i agree
What's the best way

And when can I expect results?
Walk into shop. Pick up 6x beverage. Pay. Walk out.

Soon after you've consumed it.
It's not just sit-ups though, you need to keep fit and eat well. make sure your not fat and stay healthy. minimum of about 50 sit-ups a day, with regular exercise. and once you do get a six pack you need to keep going so you don't loose it
Reply 15
My height is 5'10.
Ron Stoppable
Walk into shop. Pick up 6x beverage. Pay. Walk out.

Soon after you've consumed it.

lol, how did i know someone would say something like that lol
Reply 17
68kg and 5'10, hmm that seems quite light? I am 6'3"ish and 82kg, but quite well built.
... Well, if all else fails, I've heard that you can get six pack tans to give the appearance of a six pack whilst still remaining as unfit as ever. Now that's laziness for you.
dude, for the hundredth time, doing sit ups does NOT give you a bloody six pack. lose bodyfat by doing some cardio.