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I got 3 places at medschool for september, i just had my chemistry biology n music exams, they went quite well. Last night and this morning ive felt elation at the exams being over and got very drunk and was sick, i am not drunk now though. There is a girl I like.. anyway, I now feel like i cannot be bothered with anything.

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Reply 1
Have you gone to your GP or tried talking to someone at your school about this?
Reply 2
yep, your life is awful why?
Mate, no ****ting but I#m on the exac same position as you are. Finished my exams yesterday and got so drunk last night as well and I like this person but it can just never happen. Going to medschool to next september. But i mean it doesn't seem like you got nothing to look forward but i think all we need is a good night sleep.
Reply 4
You wouldn't do it if you knew the effect it would have on your family. Trust me.

And as far as I can tell, your life isn't that bad.

You have the offers you want, your heading in the right direction. Dont let that change. Things will get better.
Reply 5
Hang're actually considering suicide? Is this serious?

Well have a look

Reply 6
It is quite normal to feel empty, drained and without perspective after a period of intense stress such as exams. It will go away in 2-4 weeks, once you find time to do things that are not related to the exams again.
When you study medicine you will learn that and also discover that it may happen again, because medicine is fun but lots of work too.
Reply 7
Yup. Leisure17 is right. After periods of extended stress or chick bouts of elation, the only way to keep tha feeling is to top it. As this mostly is not possible and your body goes back to it's normal rested state (i.e. not high blood pressure etc.) and regular emotional stability is reached, it feels so low and empty but that is because it is done in relation to the high stress and elation felt before. It will sort itself out in a little bit and when equilibrium is reached you can begin to have fun with your summer.:rolleyes:
Mate, I'm probably gonna sound something to a bit of a contriadictory to leisrue 17. Thinking about suicide isn't normal and this is what i realised the first time that i thought about it. thinking about being alone and being drained, being isolated and left by everybody else is not normal and it made me feel incredibly depressed that I want to take my life and I was scared by it. **** scared to be honest and I know I have a rational mind. I think you gotta think of things you can look forward to i.e. being a doctor and this what i looked forward to. I said to myself if i am rational, i'm not gonna let anything ruin my dream to be a doctor so I went straight up to my GP. it is of course really scary to share something so personal to another being(and not in the internet) specially the first word you utter when your GP asks you "what seems to be the problem". I think that was the bravest thing i have ever done in my life to tell the doctor "Doc i think i am really ill, i think i'm depressed and I don't want this to obstruct my studies" And by sharing this to the doctor and to your close firneds will truly make a difference trust me.
Reply 9
Hehe, feeling cut loose is normal. I recommend joining a local sports club, taking up a new hobby or starting a project of some sort. Anything to get you doing things. :smile:

And with the girl - you'll be off to uni in september, so why not try your luck with this girl? If she doesn't feel the same way then it's not like you'll be seeing her every day in school any more, so damage from getting turned down is minimal. :smile:
Reply 10
Loads of people feel down for the whole day after a night out. I've felt like that a good few times.

After finishing my last exam I almost couldn't be arsed going out. Lasts a few hours-day tops.
Reply 11
Mate, I'm probably gonna sound something to a bit of a contriadictory to leisrue 17. Thinking about suicide isn't normal and this is what i realised the first time that i thought about it. thinking about being alone and being drained, being isolated and left by everybody else is not normal and it made me feel incredibly depressed that I want to take my life and I was scared by it. **** scared to be honest and I know I have a rational mind. I think you gotta think of things you can look forward to i.e. being a doctor and this what i looked forward to. I said to myself if i am rational, i'm not gonna let anything ruin my dream to be a doctor so I went straight up to my GP. it is of course really scary to share something so personal to another being(and not in the internet) specially the first word you utter when your GP asks you "what seems to be the problem". I think that was the bravest thing i have ever done in my life to tell the doctor "Doc i think i am really ill, i think i'm depressed and I don't want this to obstruct my studies" And by sharing this to the doctor and to your close firneds will truly make a difference trust me.

You are right, thinking about suicide is not normal, but feeling empty after stress is quite common. Even though the title of the thread is suicide the OP has not stated he is thinking of suicide or wants to commit suicide explicitly.
So I hope it is a form of "feeling drained", if not, I recommend getting help.
Youve literally got nothing now

Nothing to work for and intense anxiety waiting for results knowing you can do nothing

Get a job and get more money to get more pissed
But the thing that you're saying that you've got nothing now is the thing that made me suffer this depression. I have nothing to do, no college whatsoever hence i felt like a waste of space. Job can seema bit awkward as it is not something you do coz like it but rather than something you do for the money. Definitely support the sports idea though.
Reply 14
cheers guys. I phrased the post kinda wrong lol, the "Suicide" is something you'd only get if you've ever played Halo on xbox and killed yourself..round my m8s group its kinda a term used to mean depression n feelin sad. anyway.. i think youre right, i put SOO much effort into the exams n i just feel so exhausted...but the stress will probably take a while to go. the alcohol ive consumed this past 24hours cant have helped either.
Reply 15
sometimes the breakdown of a routine can have that effect. Im that soon as exams finish, despite the fact that i have nothing to be sad about, i still end up getting really upset.
Hang on a sec. Let's be absolutely clear, there is a difference between being suicidal and being hungover.

Reply 17
:rolleyes: Stop drinking, it's clearly not doing you much good.
boo-bloody-hoo, let people reserve their sympathy for those that deserve it, you attention seeking mong.