The Student Room Group
Reply 1

I'm a keen wrestler. I recently got knocked out wrestling with a strangle, cutting off the oxygen to the brain. This is a question to all those in the know; are there any risks, or reasons to be worried? i'm a bit light and not my usual sharp self, but i feel OK. thanks alot!

Generally there should not be a problem. I have seen people choked out lots of times when wrestling and none of them seem to have had any problems. If you do start feeling ill or anything though, I would recommend seeking some professional advice. But I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Reply 2
thanks; just what i thought. cheers
Reply 3
You should ask a doctor rather than asking us.

Reminds me of [what I think to be] a funny pic from the forums:
Reply 4
Sure there are risks cutting off the Oxygen supply to the brain and it's going to cause damage if it's held for too long. But we're probably talking about minutes and not seconds here. As was said, if you're in doubt you should get it checked out. The referees are there for your safety and to stop it before you get hurt so it's not that risky.
i believe its something like....
Brain deprived of O2 for 30 secs - lose consciousness
Brain deprived of O2 for 3 mins - permenant brain damage
So just as long as he wasnt strangling you for 2 and a half minutes after you passed out, you should be fine :smile:
Brain damage can occur within 5 minutes of oxygen supply cutoff.
Reply 7
Maybe you have AIDS.
Maybe you have AIDS.

Everyone has AIDS!
Everyone has AIDS!

And so this is the end of our story
And everyone is dead from AIDS
It took from me my best friend
My only true pal
My only bright star (he died of AIDS)

Well I'm gonna march on Washington
Lead the fight and charge the brigades
There's a hero inside of all of us
I'll make them see everyone has AIDS

My father (AIDS!)
My sister (AIDS!)
My uncle and my cousin and her best friend (AIDS AIDS AIDS!)
The gays and the straights
And the white and the spades

Everyone has AIDS!
My grandma and my dog 'ol blue (AIDS AIDS AIDS)
The pope has got it and so do you (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS)
C'mon everybody we got quilting to do (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS)
We gotta break down these baricades, everyone has
Happy Unicycling
Brain damage can occur within 5 minutes of oxygen supply cutoff.

Surely you'd be dead by then anyway?
Surely you'd be dead by then anyway?

From Wikipedia:

"One of the main organs to suffer from oxygen starvation is the brain, which may sustain damage after four minutes and irreversible damage after about seven minutes."


Fair enough. :smile:

I wouldn't advise oxygen starvation to anyone, per se.

I'd stop the wrestling. It's baaaaaaaaaad for you.
youll be ok, the seriousness of being knocked out is greater if you have been actually punched. its happened to me a few times. one second your on your feet, next second you open your eyes and your looking at the ceiling. anyway my trainer told me that it depends on the severity of the hit.

when you get hit, your brain moves inside your skull. the brian floats inside your skull on cerebrospinal fluid, you lose consiousness when the brain moves in this fluid and hits the side of the inside of the skull. depending on how hard you are hit, will result on how long you will be unconcious for.... when the brain hits the skull it shutdowns, and the harder you are hit, the longer it takes to recover...
Everyone has AIDS!
Everyone has AIDS!

And so this is the end of our story
And everyone is dead from AIDS
It took from me my best friend
My only true pal
My only bright star (he died of AIDS)

Well I'm gonna march on Washington
Lead the fight and charge the brigades
There's a hero inside of all of us
I'll make them see everyone has AIDS

My father (AIDS!)
My sister (AIDS!)
My uncle and my cousin and her best friend (AIDS AIDS AIDS!)
The gays and the straights
And the white and the spades

Everyone has AIDS!
My grandma and my dog 'ol blue (AIDS AIDS AIDS)
The pope has got it and so do you (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS)
C'mon everybody we got quilting to do (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS)
We gotta break down these baricades, everyone has

Lmao sorry I had to laugh :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I imagined the simpsons and that together :redface: :p:
Surely you'd be dead by then anyway?

No, free-divers manage it.
a caused of alzheimer's later in life is blows to the head,and it's not a nice disease either.just a warning.