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help am I bisexual?

I'm a girl and i think i'm in fallen for one of my girl friends. I NEVER used to fancy girls until I met her. She's the nicest and most down-to-earth person I've ever met. Being with her makes me so happy. I get red when we're close together and I can't seem to maintain eye contact with her. I'm not sure if it's me or the hugs since she backs off most of the time whenever I try huggin her. I really want to ask her if she maybe bi as well (but that'll be too straight forward), is there a more subtle way to ask her? :frown:
First discover more of her, may u might not need to ask
Reply 2
I'm a girl and i think i'm in fallen for one of my girl friends. I NEVER used to fancy girls until I met her. She's the nicest and most down-to-earth person I've ever met. Being with her makes me so happy. I get red when we're close together and I can't seem to maintain eye contact with her. I'm not sure if it's me or the hugs since she backs off most of the time whenever I try huggin her. I really want to ask her if she maybe bi as well (but that'll be too straight forward), is there a more subtle way to ask her? :frown:

Nobody can tell you if you are straight or bi or whatever, you have to figure that out yourself, but the way you said "as well" in that post makes me wonder if you have already done so. Advice? Don't worry about the label. If you fancy this girl then what does it matter? I don't think I can give you much advice about how to approach her tho. Its impossible for anyone here to judge the situation when I don't know either of you.
Reply 3
you're right Jonatan. that was a stupid post. sorry guys.
Reply 4
you're right Jonatan. that was a stupid post. sorry guys.

Not at all, I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry if my reply appeared blunt. I'm bisexual myself and I sure do know that it can be a bit confusing at times. I'm not entirely certain what you are trying to say tho. Do you find other girls attractive as well, even tho you don't fancy them? Could you see yourself in a relationship with a girl? How about an intimate relationship? The thread title appears to suggest that you do not feel quite comfortable about it, yet you seem fairly certain that you are attracted to this girl. Oh, and there really isn't any reason to apologise. You have done nothing wrong as far as I can tell.
I reccomend a course of leeches.
Don't try to keep hugging her, she could be really uncomfortable with that. Just keep an eye on her actions, see how she is with other guys and girls and you might be able to figure out whether she's bisexual. I guess you're just confused yourself, and it doesn't necessarily mean that your bisexual. Quite a few people go through the same phase where they like a person of the same sex, but it wears off.
Reply 7
The test is to really think about her in a sexual way. Would you actually want to sleep with her? If you're thinking no then you're just going through the phase where you have a new friend that you really like/admire etc. and the euphoria of having found her you're mistaking for physical attraction.
Reply 8
Ask her if she has a boyfriend or if there are any guys she likes.
Reply 9
Can you imagine yourself being sexually intimate with her? If yes, then you are bisexual. If no, then you love her as a friend and nothing more.
I went through the same phase but i think i just confused the feelings of 'fancying' someone with a friendship with a person that i really liked being around. Thinking sexually about the person is the test really - it may repulse you!
You could ask in a joking way - like my mate thought you were gay... and see what the reaction is.
start a game of "i have never" next time your in the pub.
Reply 13
What do you mean 'help am I bisexual'? There's nothing to help! You should be comfortable and enjoy your sexuality. Let go of your fears and feel free to experiment. You do not need anyone's advice, search and you'll find whether your bisexual.
Reply 14
Agree with whoever suggested trying to imagine being sexually intimate with this girl- if you dont wanna dive into her pants, then your not, its normal to love your friends as friends and nothing more

ETA: I dont mean to sound like theres something wrong if you are bi, im just saying be sure of your feelings before you act so as to not risk the friendship for no reason
Can you imagine yourself being sexually intimate with her? If yes, then you are bisexual. If no, then you love her as a friend and nothing more.

i agree!!!!
Reply 16
hey guys, thanks for all your advice :smile:

Jonatan: sorry, english isnt my first language, don't really know how to express myself properly. What I wanted to say is that I've never been attracted to girls before until I met her. I'm not worried being bi at all. I just wanted to know if this is how other bi people feel when they're in my situation. but thank you for your advice :smile:

Clarence: Yes (to your question)