Well ive jus finished my exams and Im flying to UK for my vacation. Today something happened with me and my boyfriend. Im Asian, bi (19) and my boyfriend is 29; hes an arab.
He wanted to meet me for something he told me last night. We actually met last night and hanged out for a long time. When i came home, he called me up saying he wanted to me b4 i go to the airport. I jus met him now and im so hurt by wat he did.
Hes an engineer and he was busy when he called. We met and he told me that some people needed his signature, it was an emergency. I went with him in the car and we were laughing and joking around like the way we usually do. Then he suddenly says that he wants me to get out of the car and he doesnt want the work ppal to see me. SO he said i might take a stroll or something. He said in a polite way like "the work ppal might think .. hus this cutee guy.. im with.. they might get jealous" (....plzz)
I got out of the car and here its toooooooooo hot. I had to like roam like a fool int he hot sun. Then he came back and picked me up from where he dropped me.. and kept on saygn sorry sorry sorry sorry..
that really hurt me.. because i never knew my ethinicity might be a problem for him.
Then as to y he wanted to meet me was to give me money !!! He offered me a large sum of money in his hands.. saying that plzz take this as a small gift from me..
That was another thing i felt like a worm being squashed under someones feet. I didnt know i sounded cheap to him ..
I didnt say n e thing and he kept on insisting. My face turned all blue cuz of the humiliation.
I came back to my car and drove off with a high speed and he stood there watching me. When i reached home he called me twice and left me a msg saying sorry
What do u guys think bout it? Should i have accepted it or wat i did was right.. and the thing he told me to get out of the car .. int he hot sun has really made me feel low !