The Student Room Group


right well recently when ive been shaving my legs afterwrads they have been really sensitive and itchy, they didnt do it before, and i havent used anythign different. i use foamburst shower gel (cos its virtually exactly the same as shaving gel anyways) and gillete venus razor.

what coudl it be and how can i stop it, sometimes also i get little bits that blled.....
Reply 1
Is your razor new and sharp? This happens to me when my razor goes blunt. Plus, always moisturise afterwards.
Are the "little bits" cuts? If so, it may be time for a new blade.

I think soreness is quite common tbh, have to experiment, and see what works best (i.e. with/against the grain) Whack some moisturiser on your legs. Only shave after a hot shower. Erm... That's all I can think of really.

You could stick some alcohol based aftershave or something on your legs, cos after the initial sting, it stops soreness. Although it makes your skin go into a kind of shock, and increases the chance of ingrown hairs...
Reply 3
ok thanks changing the blade might be a good idea, and no they arent cuts, its like the pores getraised a bit, like when u shiver, and thereofre when i shave it cuts the top of them lol
Ahh... Well if you shave shortly after a shower/in the shower that shouldn't happen.
Reply 5
Try shaving while you have a bath. I know it sounds weird but when i shave when i have a shower it tends to sting alot more like you say, but whe i have a nice long soak in the bath it gives my pores time to open and i tend to get a better more smooth shave. Or maybe thats just me..
Reply 6
Get a new head for it. It happens to me when the head's old and blunt and horrible. I always find the first shave with a new head is the smoothest and nicest cos it's all sharp and sexy.
I'm ok most of the time but sometimes my skin just goes really dry after shaving - try putting some moisturiser on for a few days a few times a day if necessary.