The Student Room Group

Problem, please help!!

Hey there,

I have a serious problem regarding the relationship with my girlfriend. I am quite embarassed so I hope you guys can give me some advice.

My girlfriend is a virgin and we are both ready to have intercourse but there is something that has been bothering me for a while.

My penis is 'normal' but the end of it (the cap) is much larger within proportion of the rest of my genital. It looks a little bit like a mushroom and due to its enormous size, we have tried several times but she is too 'tight' and my penis does not fit into her vagina.

(Sorry if you are offended by my language)

I hope you guys can help me and thanks a lot in advance!
Reply 1
I'm sure it is perfectly normal - they're all different you know!
The fact that you are having trouble probably has nothing to do with the shape of your penis and everything to do with the fact that she is a virgin. Lots of girls have this problem during htier first time - I would say most have a few tries before they actually manage and even then it is tight and painful. This is a sad fact and I doubt that many girls get a lot if pleasure from their 1st time. The best thing you can do is be gentle and reassuring and use lubrication like KY jelly.
Reply 2

Use some lube.
Reply 3
Thanks guys!

We have tried lubrication and other things that might help but it just won't work!

I also have problems when I try to pull my foreskin back because it does not go back itself and it sometimes hurts especially after I have been for a pee!!
my bf has problems with me sometimes. hes not even very big its just that im tight. oral helps though, try going down on her.
Reply 5
I pleasure her orally and she gets very wet; she has told me that and I also 'feel' it and can tell that she is really up for it. The problem is that my 'cap' is massive in proportion to the actual penis. I just do not know what to do and I hope she does not get frustrated!

- ====() - (This is a very bad sketch - I know - but it does resemble my actual genital)

Please help!!
Reply 6
- ====() - (This is a very bad sketch - I know - but it does resemble my actual genital)

Please help!!

The fact that you drew a picture of your willy with keyboard symbols is hilarious.

BUT that does seem kind of a strange shape...

Maybe you ought to show someone (like a doctor)

Or you could show lots of people and take a survey.
Reply 7
Well, I wanted you guys to know how it kind of looks like to make you more aware of the issue. I am scared to go and see a doctor but it is normal though, isn't it?
Reply 8
Umm, well...

It's not really like that is it?

Btw you are definitely getting rep for that drawing.
Umm, well...

It's not really like that is it?

Btw you are definitely getting rep for that drawing.

You're enjoying this porn type computer drawing a bit too much. :p:
Reply 10
You're enjoying this porn type computer drawing a bit too much. :p:

You're probably right :redface:

Significant comedy value as well though.
I think I've read somewhere that when a girl gets excited in that sense her 'opening' becomes wider and more circle-shaped to take the guy. Try getting her relaxed and take it slow is my advice, she might think she's ready but she's probably still nervous.