The Student Room Group

Taking a-level notes to uni??

My last exam was today (wooooooo!!):smile: Tomorrow i am planning on tidying my room and organising all my notes and chucking them somewhere where i don't have to look at them!!!!

Do you think i should keep my chem a-level notes to take to uni (i am going to be doing chemistry btw). How much use do you think they'll be or do you think i should just take revision summaries or none at all!???

Opinions from scientists especially welcome!!!


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I'm doing music and I'm taking all my music notes with me., I think it'll be more useful in the first year, as you'll be building on from A level, and it's just a reference to look back on if you need it. xxx
Reply 2
Hey.. I'm Not a Scientist... but am Thinking about taking my sociology crime and deviance notes to Uni with me (doing criminology and sociology) i'd hate to get there and need the notes which i already had but threw away..

If you get what i mean. Some of my friends are taking theirs too!

I hope that was some help.. dont think it was lol xx
Reply 3
I took all the relevant notes I had with me, most of them came in totally useless, but I was glad to have a few select sections of them. I'd take them if I were you, its better to have them there and unused than to wish you had taken them; but don't be suprised if large parts don't get looked at!
It's just a little safety net to fall back on, when they mention something in our lectures from A level and we go huh?! I don't remember that!!
I am planning on taking mine also. I am doing psychology and as tinkerbellejess said, you build on what you did at a-level. But I don't think I will take everything that is in my folders, I will probably take out some of the past exam questions and worksheets that just repeat info contained already on some notes.
Reply 6
I'm doing music and I'm taking all my music notes with me., I think it'll be more useful in the first year, as you'll be building on from A level, and it's just a reference to look back on if you need it. xxx

Hey I do Music!

I took notes of mine with me and some proved quite useful!
Well I've figured that music is essentially the same at every level so it's bound to be useful. Unlike in subjects like biology, where you find out they lied to you at gcse/sats....anyone remember what an Animal cell looks like? Take that and add about 20million other comlicated parts to it!!

(And I play flute too!! Although it's my 1st instrument, although I presume from the order of yours that sax is :smile: I tried to play one once, could barely get a note out of it...knew most of the fingerings though!!lol)
Reply 8
Haha yeah!

Come and chat in our Musicians Society, so we don't clog up this thread!
Reply 9
I'll be taking things from my maths only :biggrin: notes and books
Reply 10
Ah. Sort of threw all mine away the other day :p:
Reply 11
I've thrown most of mine out.
I'm keeping bits for work that I couldn't bare to chuck, but since Sociology is taught from scratch, I'm all for the fresh start.
What are you all planning on doing with your notes from A Level subjects that you aren't continuing with at uni?
Should we recycle them? pass them down to younger siblings? store them?
I have got several files for English, collected over the course of 3-4 years (GCSE + A Level) which are now useless.
Reply 13
I'm doing computer science so will only need to take my maths and physics folders. I intend to take them because if a key concept from alevel is covered in the lectures that you dont remember you can look it up again.
Reply 14
Useless for English
Reply 15
I'm doing Chem and I think I might just take my CGP revision guides :biggrin: I might take my organic revision notes. That's the hardest part for me.
Reply 16
I was planning on taking my french and german notes with me, for the pure fact that we covered a lot of grammar stuff that it might be useful to look back over, and i've got loads of useful bits in there that could be used as research etc. :biggrin:
Reply 17
Thanks for the replies guys!!
I'll probably keep my notes to take- better to be safe than sorry!!

Yeah I've got essays and stuff from gcse that I can't bear to throw away! Although I should probably do it now, before my mum empties out my room as soon as I leave!
I don't think there's any point in me taking my A Level notes, I'm starting two subjects that I've never studied before... except a few bits of philosophy which we covered in english literature A Level. It'll just be more stuff to put in the car when I don't think it'll be particularly necessary!