The Student Room Group


well it all started when my brother came back from cananda, i dont know what to say, we had just finished msking the house and then he comes and blows, he was rude to me mum rude to me dad and said lots of bad things infront of them, i didnt know what to do then and strted crying as i was much smaller then like 12, he still is rude but sometimes he is quite nice and organises trips for me parents to go out, i dont know does he hate us or what, im sorry as this may sound pointless buts its killing me from the inside, my aunty thinks is because of his wife as he never done that before, is it hate or love for us?
Reply 1
erm... what??!
Reply 2
So your brother was in Canada and then he came back, and sometimes he is Nice and Some times he is Nasty, and you want to know wheterh he dislikes you or loves you??
translation me=my...i hope
Reply 4
how old r u? How old is he? I was going to say it might be his hormones as he is growing, but then read that he has a wife o_0 so am guessing he's quite old.

In that case, when u say rude - in what way is he?
Reply 5
i dont understand sorry....:frown:
I kinda understand what you r saying...I don't think its a matter of loving you or hating you...maybe he just gets frustrated some of the time because he disagrees with your family members...the fact that he organises trips for you and your family shows that he cares...Im rude to my parents most of the time but it doesnt mean that i dont love them..dont stress over it!
Reply 7 no, still dont get it. But i think everyone can hate their family members sometimes, even thought they love them deep down.
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