The Student Room Group
Reply 1
yes, if you feel he's your boyfriend and obviously he's calling you his girlfriend then he's made it pretty clear he thinks you're in a relationship. There doesn't have to be a specific conversation or turning point which makes it official.... sometimes it can just gradually move into one. But it depends whether you actually feel like you are in one (him callin u his girlfriend is a good indication!) and of course whether you actually want it to have developed into one.
Reply 2
Try and find out, but be subtle about it. Blurting out "Are we dating?" is probably going to make him rather uncomfortable. Use your imagination.
Just say can we make it official. EASY EASY
Reply 4
Just say can we make it official. EASY EASY

Reply 5
yer but if hes already thought of it as official for a while then it would sound silly and might upset/confuse him a little