The Student Room Group

Feeling crap

Ok, so for a while now I've been seeing a psychotherapist. However, I haven't found it helping much.

I went to see a psychiatrist today (I go once a month) and she was adamant that I should tell my mum, and didn't focus on anything else.

I can't be. I cannot currently focus, I go in and out of dreamlike states, I cannot hold down a conversation, or even a sustainable thought track - my mind is running from one place to another.
I've got college every day, but I really can't motivate myself for getting up in the morning. I get scared, properly scared ****less about going in in the morning.

I lie in bed at night until about 4 (trust me, I've tried a number of things), but then can't get up in the morning.

I'm always the one who has to be happy and supportive for others, plus I'm going away next week - and I just do not know what to do with myself.

I'm 17 and haven't been diagnosed with anything.
Can anyone offer any advice or such?

Thank you!
1) Change your psychotherapist for someone more understanding
2) I would say there is a good chance it will pass. Is there anything making you feel this way? Problems with school work or anything?