The Student Room Group
Reply 1
It says eat it within 3 days right? And since it has only been 2 odd days since you opened it, I don't see why you should be apprehensive about it. Eat it. The more you wait, the less time you have to savour your salmon paste sandwich. :smile:
Reply 2
I have one that I have just made in front of me but Im not sure whether to eat it as on the salmon spread bottle it says -once opened use within 3 days - it has been in the fridge about 2 odd days since I opened it. The best before date is 2009 but will it make me ill if I eat it?

Oh my.
I guess you've eaten it now.. but I feel the need to say 'ew, and why are you eating that at 3am-ish anyway?' =/
Reply 4
I suddenly feel ill about about this thread...
Reply 5
I wouldn't eat it but that's probably because it's a salmon paste sandwich more than the fact that it could be mouldy.
Reply 6
Damn sorry about that!! I didn't mean 2 odd days its supposed to say '20 odd'. Anyway I ate one and threw the other half away :smile: