The Student Room Group
well you can get nicotine gum so i guess in principle its ok
Reply 2
If people really need nicotine to function then i would rather them do this than Smoke.
Reply 3
It's still a health risk nether the less
Reply 4
What's the point of it, is it to help give up smoking? How harmful is nicotine on its own? Could it be used for weight loss? Think I'd rather be addicted to nicotine than food if the effects of nicotine were less than that of depression + being overweight. Any ideas?
Reply 5
What's the point of it, is it to help give up smoking? How harmful is nicotine on its own? Could it be used for weight loss? Think I'd rather be addicted to nicotine than food if the effects of nicotine were less than that of depression + being overweight. Any ideas?

Its meant to be an alternative to smoking, aimed at people that would be affected by the smoking ban. So for example you could drink it in a pub, instead of lighting up.
Reply 6
Im sure it'll taste like drinking pure anacede. Positively rivolting :smile:
It'll taste like Fat ******* from Austin Powers's butthole. Ooooh, I've got a turtlehead poking ooot!
Reply 8
That sounds disgusting. However, so is smoking. :smile:
Reply 9
That sounds disgusting. However, so is smoking. :smile:

So do you feel it is a positive move away from smoking?
Yes, but only because it will stop people breathing in second hand smoke. From a smokers point of view, they also won't stink of fags. :smile:
Reply 11
From a smokers point of view, they also won't stink of fags. :smile:

I've always associated smell of smoke on people with sophistication. Namely through conditioning but hey, from my point of view you are peak of sophistication ;]
Reply 12
Surely the nicotine still affects your nervous system in the form of a drink as it does in a cigarette?