The Student Room Group

Selling Books

I got several Study books in the Area of Finance/Marketing/Accounting/Economics from my undergraduate study I would like to get rid off.
Mainly because I need additional cash to buy books for grad study ;-)

Has anyone heard of a website offering some sort of buy/sell forum especially for university books?

I was thinking about E-bay but the academic book market on e-bay is quite slim.
Reply 1
Try Amazon, or advertise in the local paper
Reply 2
A lot of universities have internal book sales either through websites, or you can drop them off (with a specific price) they get put on display and you get an email when its sold, et cetera.
Reply 3
go to a bookshop in the first week or two - and find a fresher doing your course?

does your uni have an online message board system where you could advertise the books for sale?