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Reply 1
Your body would think its being starved all day then use the food that you have at dinner time to store as fat.
Reply 2
When trying to lose weight most people seem to recommend that you eat lots of small meals a day rather than fewer large meals :smile: .
Reply 3
one meal a day wont help you lose fat
yes because it slows your metabolism so i doubt it would make any difference to your wieght. just eat better food and smaller portions
Reply 5
Well talking to some of my friends already at university i would eat as mucha s possible before you go lol, as my friend went to Uni last year quite a big lad and he came back a lot smaller.

On a more serious note, as long as you eat some cereal for breakfast and some fruit for lunch and then the Big Tea, i cant see it being harmfull.
Reply 6
Little meals, often. Thanks people :biggrin:
Reply 7
Does anybody know if only eating one meal a day (tea, the 'big' one) would be harmful? With the exception of maybe eating some fruit for breakfast/noon. I'm hardly fat, but not in as trim shape as I used to be before university lol :rolleyes:

I've done this before- you do lose weight but its a last resort- it doesn't make sense to eat most in the evening because you need the energy in the day, not whilst you're sleeping. If you're not fat already this really isn't a good idea- if you're hungry all day you'll end up snacking on junk food or even bingeing in the evening + putting on more weight than you lose. This way will take a lot more discipline than planning 3 lighter meals and not having your blood sugar drop so low.
Reply 8
^^ Seconded.

Only eating one meal isn't the proper way to lose weight, however it will work and you'll definitely lose quite a lot.

Any dietician or nutritionist will tell you that no diet ever works; it's about changing your lifestyle.
eating one meal aday will make you gain weight if u miss any meal then you gain weight. If u eat plenty of fruit and veg u won't gain weight, and if u exercise u will begin to lose weight
Reply 10
I read about the 13 minute diet where you eat a little piece of cucumber or celery once every 13 mins (plus balanced meals) to keep your metabolism at optimum level, and stop you snacking on other things. (Not while you're asleep though!)
Reply 11
eating one meal aday will make you gain weight if u miss any meal then you gain weight. If u eat plenty of fruit and veg u won't gain weight, and if u exercise u will begin to lose weight

what rubbish. Are you saying if you eat plenty of fruit and veg but continue to eat lots of junk food you won't gain any weight?
will stay the same, spead ur meals out over the day..
Reply 13
How could you even question whether that would be harmful?
How ****ing stupid.
Reply 14
Not really. Though most of the 'explanations' given in this thread were pretty stupid.
Reply 15
what rubbish. Are you saying if you eat plenty of fruit and veg but continue to eat lots of junk food you won't gain any weight?

I can't be sure, but i dont think she is actually saying that btw
Your body would think its being starved all day then use the food that you have at dinner time to store as fat.

It doesnt think its being starved, it is being starved! So like yeah motabilism goes down, its not healthy either.
Reply 17
I can't be sure, but i dont think she is actually saying that btw

No but it's implied.
Reply 18
Short-term it won't do you any harm. Long-term it's not good, but then I don't expect the OP intends it to be long-term.

Hell, I'd do it to shift some weight quickly.
Reply 19
I completely agree with what RR has said :smile: To add, this sort of "diet" really wouldn't work at all as a more permanent weight loss solution. When you finished the diet of eating just one meal, the weight would probably come back on again, so it wouldn't really be a very effective change to make in the long term. Although it's not a quick fix, if you're serious about losing weight in the long term, as has already been said, you'd need to make a change to your lifestyle with regards to a balanced diet and regular exercise, not just skip meals or follow any fad diet things :smile:

Good luck with your weight loss :smile: