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Reply 1
Reply 2
hand cream which is basically moisteriser. I find the summer dries my hands and feet out.
Reply 3
Mix up olive oil/baby oil with sea salt or sugar and rub it all over your hands. Works wonders!

Then just moisturise everyday, I find smoothering your hands in cream and then sleeping with rubber gloves on is pretty good too.
dove does a really good day moisturiser for hands.
Reply 5
I have this problem all year round, but mine are bad in winter and get better during the summer months. I found using a different soap helped mine a lot, I use either a Dove moisturising bar or Pears soap. Hand cream wise, Neutrogena unscented hand cream is really good, it moisturises but isn't greasy. Hope this helps!
Reply 6
body shop do a special rich night time moisturiser which you use with special cotton gloves over night...i think it's great! i used to get really dry hands...all i can reccommend is don't wash them too much (obviously when you need to but don't overwash them!), use a cream handwash instead of soap, and use marigolds when washing up and using chemical cleaning products. oh and if they're really dry, then moisturise them everytime you wash your hands as washing them will remove natural moisture.
Reply 7
I get this in winter especially and what I do is smother my hands in cream just before bed, and put a pair of socks over them ... it's not the sexiest thing in the world but it works for me. I also carry a little tube of hand cream around with me and use it every time my hands start to feel dry. The best I've found (it's expensive though) is some wild mango butter stuff from Korres - if you live near one of their shops they do little tiny travel sizes which cost a couple of pounds and are great for your pocket.

Oh, and I found that when I started using an eco-friendly washing up liquid the problem got a lot less worse.
Reply 8
That norwegian stuff..where in the commercial some guy is rubbing his hands on a rope (yes what a tit i know) and makes an example of chaped and dry hands. I'd go for that
Lick them. If it's good enough for chimpanzees....
Reply 10
Why the need to post anonymously? Isn't it obvious what you need to get?
Reply 11
Barrier cream if you are cleaning, it stops the chemicals attacking you
Reply 12
Lick them. If it's good enough for chimpanzees....

You're a genious. licking them makes them even more dry.
Don't lick them then. Rub alcohol gel in them!
Reply 14
Don't lick them then. Rub alcohol gel in them!

Reply 15
Don't lick them then. Rub alcohol gel in them!

Then lick them?
Reply 16
I've had dry skin on my hands for a long, long time, and it's particularly bad in the winter. Unfortunately the solution is no more exotic than regularly applying E45 and hydrocortisone creams to your hands. I've been to the doctor about this repeatedly, tried every single hand cream on the market, and this is the only solution that works for me.
Reply 17
u can get special hand cream for dry hands?
try mositurise several hrs a day?
after washing up etc
Reply 18
Lotil hand cream, a bit expensive, but very effective
It could be excema? You can get some moisturising cream which is probably better than ones in the shop (in my experience anyway) from your doctor.