i know this might sound superficial and macho to some people... but sometimes one MUST have sex, and it's impossible to teach one's body to refrain from it.
i'm too horny and i KNOW it distracts me a lot from studies n other important things. maybe i have a very low willpower...
when i was a teenager i had sex with my gf, bt now (20 yrs) i'm
- always in a hurry, i work and study at the same time
- with all the things i have to do, it would be impossible for me to have a serious and dedicating relationship
PLUS i find it immoral to seduce girls just to have sex with them n then forget them.
that's why i thought: isn't it more correct to relieve one's exploding horniness with a "professional", i.e. a prostitute/escort?
correct in the sense that i do no harm to anyone, remain on moral grounds and have no obligations...
what's ur opinion (PS, where i live prostitution is legal)?