Since my 1st ever real g/f I was always very specific about finding my g/f in my best friend. This is what more or less happened and I didnt end really well.
Ever sicne I still kept to the part where I was specific in finding a girl that had certain qualities.
I originally thought I found one since my x but it seems she too has hidden agenda's.
My main problem is im very observent and even the littlest things that may happen in my relationship (like she sent her best mate an email but didnt reply to myne when on holiday) I would start thinking why is this. She texts me everyday to call (as its free for me).
Im just too analytical and judge allot of things.
I dont really like this side and I know I didnt have this side before but it was only down to my x and her secrets that I have become like this.
My recent g/f also has allot of issues but shes been straight about most of them (I think & hope so).
How do I get myself in a situation where I do care about my g/f allot but not majorly like now? I dont want to be constantly be thinking about her or worrying about little things.