The Student Room Group
You know when girls get cold, their nipples get hard and more pointy...and when hot it appears slightly swollen...

Just wondering, do guys get this? If so how do prevent their nipples from getting the swollen look so they permentantly remain hard and pointy?

this is a troll right?

erm mens nipples dont go down in the same way womens do. they just feel less hard.
Reply 2
Keep some ice poles in your bra....or wear less clothes!?
Its the body's natural response and I don't think it can be changed.
Reply 3
Yes they do, and it's completely natural.

You shouldn't attempt to distort nature's course.

To prevent that from happening, don't allow them to get hot.
A: You do not have mammary glands. 1 + 1 = 2

:google: it!