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Reply 1
I would of said chatted up and probabily got the girls/boys number.
Reply 2
I've always used it to mean kissed, as have the people I know. I really hate the word though!
Reply 3
I've always viewed it as kissing, like properly but nothing else really. That's what I've been brought up to believe.
Reply 4
Kissing, that's what I always thought anyway :P
Reply 5
Depends on context. Normally, for me, it means kissing. But if someone says "I pulled last night" having gone out somewhere i'd interpret it as them having a bit of success chatting up a girl (i.e. getting a phone no.; mutual liking etc).
Probs jst chattin up and gettin a number or sumat. but they use the term 'pulled' to brag to their mates and they don't really care 2 much about the girl/guy, its just for a bit of fun

thats my view neway
Reply 7
Depending on circumstance, I guess I'd use it for anything from succesfully chatting somebody up right through to taking somebody home.
I've heard it used as a collective word for two people kissing too, ie, 'Look at those two pulling'...
If someone said they'd pulled I'd take it as they'd snogged, if I'd kissed someone that night and later on asked if I'd pulled I'd say yes. Usually when I talk about having sex to my friends we're more specific
Reply 9
:dito: although its not really a term i'd use that often to be honest :biggrin:
Reply 10
I take it as kissed.
I take it as kissed.
I hate the phrase 'pulled' - just thought i'd pop that in :smile:
Reply 13
Well looks like its pretty much sorted then, kissed it is! lol thanks to everyone who's voted :smile:
I think both kissing and being chatted up, because when your friends kissed a guy in a club you say 'she pulled him' however if a slimy man checks you out in a club someone might say to you 'ooo look you've pulled'
Reply 15
pulled.. reminds me of chavs, trying to 'pull' as many 'birds' as they can in one night.. i don't know.. some snogging and a date is what it means for me, but it's not a term i tend to use.
Reply 16
i think it means to kiss someone.
once my mate said it to me and what she did with him was snog him
Ive always thought it was kissing
Reply 18
It means kissed. End Of.
I always saw "pulled a girl/guy" as chatting them up, flirting, and getting their number