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Reply 1
A nice fun one I did was on conformity. Look that up as well as, not only being interesting, the results are a definate surprise to compare with past studies - lots to talk about!
Reply 2
I did a variation of the SRRS (life events and stress relationship). Quite simple to do and correlate results, I got an A so it cant be too difficult! Oh and you get 12 marks straight in by correctly filling in the coursework form aongside your finished work!
Reply 3
you get 12 marks straight in by correctly filling in the coursework form aongside your finished work!

True, only thing is, because of that the boundaries are very high , since they assume everyone will get 12/12 on the form. The boundary for an A is 52/60 wth only 4 marks inbetween grades! On my first draft I got something like 43/60 which was a D :eek: ! So you have to make sure you don't lose any easy marks anywhere!

I did mine on media influences on aggression, by doing a television viewing habits questionnaire and compared it with a questionnaire measuring aggressiveness.
Reply 4
woah that's tough, did getting a D seriously drag down your grade?
i did something really quite easy - theres no point in doing all the complicated crap. my psychology coursework was basically giving participants a passage of writing with a title and other participants a passage without a title. the title acted as a schema and therefore, the people who had the titled passage recalled more information from the passage. i got 58 or 59 (cant remember!) out of 60 for the coursework. just keep it simple. :smile:
Reply 6
I just started mine, I'm doing how unpredictable noise is more likely to change results in a test then predicatble noise. its easy but im finding hard to find background research.
Reply 7
With the noise one, try starting general with stuff on workplace stress and the role of control and then Glass et al as the study that is most specific to your study.

Hope that helps :p:
Reply 8
I'm also doing a conformity experiment. The project brief thing is an easy 12 marks and i've just gone through this specification checklist and made sure i haven't missed anything silly out.
Best thing to get top marks on is memory coursework experiments
Reply 10
So far I have 12/12 from the project brief sheet. I've got to hand in my first draft of the coursework for tomorrow (our last day) and I've got to do the Abstract, Introduction, Aims and Discussion before then!! I worked in a group for my coursework and we investigated differences in stress response of males and females using the work of Glass et al (1969) and Stone et al (1990). Was quite a cool laboratory experiment, though if I could do the coursework again I think I would chose something more simple, like conformity.
True, only thing is, because of that the boundaries are very high , since they assume everyone will get 12/12 on the form. The boundary for an A is 52/60 wth only 4 marks inbetween grades! On my first draft I got something like 43/60 which was a D :eek: ! So you have to make sure you don't lose any easy marks anywhere!

I remember that from doing the coursework at A2 last year -- my report got 48/60, just scraping a B. :mad: But anyway, I redeemed myself in the exam and got a strong B overall, so I'm pleased. :biggrin:

And my own report was looking at the September 11 attacks and 'flashbulb memories', surveying friends and family members about their memories of the event.
Reply 12
We don't start ours until Sept when we go back but so far I've bought a coursework guide book and bookmarked the coursework spec- tried to print the project brief form but my ink's low- dammit!

Def going to go with either conformity or memory- like the others have said- keep it easy!

Also, was going to sell my AS psychology book, but looks like it'll come in handy for looking at past studies!
Reply 13
Ps. could somebody tell me what the word limit is for this coursework? roughly how lengthy is it supposed to be? And does your teacher give you the structure eg. aims, prodecures, conclusion etc, or do you just do it how you see fit, according to the spec?
don't worry about the word limit, i rang aqa and said there is no way i can fit everything in 2000 words if i want top grades and they said as long as it's relevant and not ramble it's ok. I got 58/60 if anyone needs help xxx
look in the bk of the pennington psychology book or the big orange collins book @ coursewrk. Print off the specification's cw checklist and make ur cw follow that xx
Reply 16
Right, I'm a little more organised now!

I've made a psychology coursework folder containing all the stuff on AQA relevant to it- the spec, the mark scheme etc.

Have worked through the mark scheme, highlighting and annotating the important bits!

I since found out (before reading this thread just now) that the word limit is 2000, refreshing to hear tey're not too strict with that though.

How many words did yours turn out to be Noobster? Also what did you do it on?

I'm leaning towards memory as apparently it's a good one to do to get full marks.
Reply 17
I am teaching myself, so have a problem with coursework is there an exam in its place?
Reply 18
Kirstin i think it's compulsory, not 100% sure though.

Are you sure you can't get in at a college anywhere at all? were will you be sitting the exams btw?

Also- are you applying to UCAS as an individual? What subjects are you doing?

Sorry for all the questions- I just don't envy you in your position!
Reply 19
For my A2 coursework I carried out an investigation into telepathy, based on Rhine's experiments. Quite interesting really.