The Student Room Group

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Smoke some finest green, does the trick.
Reply 2
Raw coffee!!!!!
Reply 3
you cant be that bad you can type...
anyhow sleep.
and physical activity, particulaly the kind that realeses endomorphins
There's no real definite way to sober up... not involving medical attention.

Reply 5
so thats what guiness puke looks like...
Reply 6
92 )arrrhhhh!!!!
Reply 7
ive just come in absolutely steamin from a cocktail eveniv wit the galz n ive work tomorro at 8, wat will quiklly sober me up?:biggrin:

ive had a sarnie and drunk 5 glasses of water...

The best you can do is to throw up, as that will reduce the amount of alcohol entering your bloodstream, but there is no way to speed up the rate at which the body will decompose the alcohol that is already in your blood. The liver decomposes a set amount of alcohol in a given period of time. There is nothing you can do to speed it up. At best you can reduce the effects of a hangover, but there really isn't any method to sober up quicker.
Eat bread and drink water. Trust.
Reply 9
2 fingers down ur throat u hurl it up!! then loads of water.
Bread!! Have a shower... water. Tea..!
Reply 11
go sleep
Reply 12
You can type? You musn't be that bad! Also you can turn on a computer and type in "" enter your username, remember your password. I'd say your already sober.
You can type? You musn't be that bad! Also you can turn on a computer and type in "" enter your username, remember your password. I'd say your already sober.

i've come on hear pissed before. i could only just type
Reply 14
pretty funny and interesting site
Reply 15
*Radioactive Phoenix*
i've come on hear pissed before. i could only just type

Okay well, It'd probably not be at the front of my mind when I'm drunk to come on the computer.. but everyones different. :p:

That - and I don't get drunk, usually.
*Radioactive Phoenix*
i've come on hear pissed before. i could only just type

We're all in awe of your social life.
Reply 17
lol :biggrin:
We're all in awe of your social life.

Your iternet balls are enormous. congrats bred
Reply 19
Shreerac1 LOL :biggrin: