The Student Room Group

Wednesday afternoon recreation

Basically we have been told that soon we have to select wether on Wednesday afternoons we want our lessons free and have time to do sports.

Personally I dont want to do competative sport but would like Wednesday afternoon to play non competative footy or go swimming. So I dont know how to get that wednesday afternoon off without doing sport, does this occur at anyone elses sixth form and what did you do?

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Reply 1
Nothing like that happens at my sixth form.
They've recently started enrichment activities for the Year 12s at my school that take place on a Wednesday afternoon, but at the moment, I think they can only do them if they don't have a lesson. I know Wednesday afternoons off for sport is pretty common at university though.
Reply 3
well in ours you can either do competitive /other sport or do this extra thing ....4gotten what its called but we go to another school and we are like a mentor for a struggling student and then try sort their life out. hehe
Enrichment for everyone on Wednesday afternoon at the college I'm going to has been going on for ages - everyone has the afternoon off and does a sport or other courses such as chess, debating society, yoga etc... . Sounds like fun :smile:
Reply 5
I am so confused about what happens at my college. I just wanna play non competative sports lol
I am so confused about what happens at my college. I just wanna play non competative sports lol

Well, it would be better to ask your college, as they'll know
Reply 7
I did but didnt get an answer I understood, is there any way of finding people on this forum who attend the same sixth form as me. Shrewsbury sixth form college is mine.
Reply 8
At my sixth form wednesday afternoon was used for sports or other enrichment activities, like speakers from unis coming in and talks about finance etc. If nothing was happening though people could just catch up with work or have a gossip. It's a good idea really as it breaks up the day well.
Reply 9
We do wednesday afternoon activities, I decided to do something worthwhile other than sport, and took up First Aid.
Reply 10
at our 6th form every student has lunch and last period on a wednesday afternoon off to do enrichment activities. we have things ranging from rugby to salsa, knitting to film society. it's pretty cool!
Reply 11
Enrichment for everyone on Wednesday afternoon at the college I'm going to has been going on for ages - everyone has the afternoon off and does a sport or other courses such as chess, debating society, yoga etc... . Sounds like fun :smile:
would that be greenhead :wink:
I remember "pretending" to be doing some sport but actually having the afternoon off :biggrin:
would that be greenhead :wink:

Correct. :cool:
Reply 13
Correct. :cool:

Aah but we are so much better.
Reply 14
My college finished early on a Wedensday, a space often taken up by "enrichment" or sport. The selection of activities was dire though. Fine if you were an artist or a musician, but otherwise completely worthless. So I just took the afternoon off. Sometimes used the time to revise.
Reply 15
We just got Wednesdays off. No commitments.
Reply 16
Aah but we are so much better.

I'll give you three guesses to guess who 'we' are, and the first two don't count.
I'll give you three guesses to guess who 'we' are, and the first two don't count.

I'm puzzled :confused:
We just got Wednesdays off. No commitments.

Lucky beggar!
Reply 19
You said you go to Greenhead, and I said we're so much better (than Greenhead).