The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Reply 2
I don't drink either. You won't be an outcast. Everyone gets invited to parties when they are sober :wink:
There are quite a few threads about this in the University forums, generally people have been saying that most people respect others decision not to drink and there is no preasure etc, however it depends on whether you dont mind socialising with drunk people, if you're gonna stay home every time your flatmates go out you might find it more difficult.
Saying that though, uni is such a big place I'm sure that you'll be able to find yourself a big group of friends that suit all your preferences! lol
Reply 4
not if you can drive

The above posts are exact about not drinking.

1. FIrst of al, you'll opf course be a legend and you don't drive as you're gonna be everybody's taxi service.

2. To be completely honest, when you don't drink I don't think that you get alienated from others because you don't drink. you get alienated because of yor personality i.e. you're not very fun to be with when they're drunk etc.

3. There is of course sime form of alienation when you don't drink. People will of course assum that you're not gonna have fun in a party as its a drinking party. Hence you need to make a great frist impression on your first party thyat even though you don't drink, you are fun to be with nevertheless.

4. I'm sure you're mates will never abandon you just because you don't drink. They CAN abandon you for not being 18 but never just because you don't drink.

5. Generally however, people will alienate you coz yo have a rotten personality not just coz of not drinking.
Reply 6
Oh please, I never touch the stuff. I've tried various different forms of drink and I don't like any of them and my mates are fine with it. They don't treat me any different, I don't get left out of convos or games.

The only problem is that you feel responsible in making sure they get to their rooms ok.
Reply 7

5. Generally however, people will alienate you coz yo have a rotten personality not just coz of not drinking.

Not everyone who doesn't drink has a rotten personality. Show yourself so I can neg rep you.
God you're stupid! What i meant was people will alienate you not because you don't drink but because you have a rotten personality.
Reply 9
when everyone else is drunk, you can steal their stuff =)
Reply 10
plus it's good knowing what people did on the night out n they cant remember what embarrassing stuff they did! although, you do then feel like you have to be the responsible one looking after some of them..or maybe that's just me being a bit of a mother hen!
Reply 11
plus, if they are really good friends, they might include you in the will when they die from alcohol overdose or something
if you were, it would say more about the people you spent time with than about you. All i can really do is reiterate the above; i dont think you'll have any problems:smile:
Reply 13
when everyone else is drunk, you can steal their stuff =)

Freak! :eek:
hey just would like to say i agree with not drinkin what a waste of time- i think people who drink are a bunch of loosers n wastes of space- only my opinion!
Reply 15
God you're stupid!

At least I have the spine to not post anonymously when insulting someone.

Reply 16
hey just would like to say i agree with not drinkin what a waste of time- i think people who drink are a bunch of loosers n wastes of space- only my opinion!

you REALLY need to get pissed
Reply 17
Not an outcast but people would just be aware you may not be as 'fun' as other's who choose to drink
Reply 18
hey just would like to say i agree with not drinkin what a waste of time- i think people who drink are a bunch of loosers n wastes of space- only my opinion!

LMFAO so because i have a couple of pints at the end of each week im a sad loser and a waste of space.

You seriously need to get pissed.
Why is there an assumption that if you don't drink you're going to be less fun than the girl who gets absolutely smashed and throws up on someone's bed? If you're a fun person you'll probably be fun at a party whether or not you drink. Besides, I find that you act drunker if everyone around you is drunk.