The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have names for each and every one of my 7 chins.

Get out the vacuum and a needle and attempt DIY liposuction?

What a stupid thread.
Reply 2
Reduce overall body fat.

Or if you want a quick-fix as it were, hang 50kgs of steel weights by your chin using a chain. that should do the trick.
You need to do proper jaw exercises - speech & drama classes at theatre schools deal with these in the warm-ups. The easiest method is to pretend you're drawing large circles with your chin both clockwise and anticlockwise, followed by several slow up/down extensions.
Reply 4
yep, the above is also used, but it's more for the advanced chin weight lifter. i'd start with my options.
how about this exercise?

hahahahahahahaha! jka
Reply 6
Ron Stoppable
You need to do proper jaw exercises - speech & drama classes at theatre schools deal with these in the warm-ups. The easiest method is to pretend you're drawing large circles with your chin both clockwise and anticlockwise, followed by several slow up/down extensions.

What a load of crap.
Reply 7
Eating, specifically large cakes, is just what you need to help you.