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friends/ family problems

Is it so wrong to expect friends, especially "best" friends to be more understanding and supportive when you're going through a bad time?

my stepdad has cancer and Ive had a really bad time dealing with all the anger and different emotions because of this and so sometimes it just comes out when I dont mean it to! Mainly because since his diagnosis a year ago I havent felt like I could really talk to anyone about how I felt! sure I would talk to my "best" friend but leave a lot out because I didnt want to say too much.. and because I felt my friends didnt understand as they all said that my stepdad will be fine when I know for a fact there is no cure and he's not gonna be fine!

Ive fallen out with 2 friends over this because one of them even told me to not use my stepdad as an excuse and that it's all me me me :frown:

is it so wrong that sometimes I needed to talk to him?

him and my other friend just seem to care about things like money I supposedly owe them! when Im going through a really rough time that I need people around me to support me not to be against me liket that.

Also it seem since I moved back with my parents (I was sharing a house with a friend for a few months to get some space) it seems most of my friends have deserted me and I have found I only have one good friend now who asks how things are going, we may not hang out much but at least she cares!

anyone know what I mean? :frown:
Reply 1
I am really sorry that you are going through such a hard time. The emotions you are experiencing are completely normal and your friends should try and make allowances for your situation and be there to support you. In my opinion your friends should be more sensitive and not say that you are using your step dads illness as an ‘excuse’.

Maybe your friends just don’t know how to help you best, but I am sure they do care. My friends acted in a similar way when I was going through a hard time, they simply didn’t know what to do or say so consequently they did nothing. Maybe you should take aside your closest friend and explain it all and just say you need someone to talk to.
Reply 2
Well I spoke to the friend I used to share a house with and she thinks I should sort it out because Im not upsetting them Im just making myself miserable.. and that I should look at some of the things Ive done :confused:
then she said it was none of her business..

What am I supposed to do with them, thing is if I appologise for whatever I did and it goes back to the way it was, they arent gonna appologise for the way they've been and how long is it till it happens again..

I feel like doing what my mum said which is to not bother with them