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my flatmate in first year went out 4 nights a week minimum and brought a different guy home each night. my other flatmate is still a virgin (we are all finished 4th year now).

it depends on the person not uni. its just easier to get laid at uni cos theres more people of a similar age and more choice, generally contained in the same place. also why there are more parties - your mates are close and theres no parents to piss off
Reply 2
posted in a newspaper!? must be fact!
lol not true, my uni was pretty good and my flatmate managed a fair amount of sex!
Reply 4
It varies. Some people have a fair bit of sex, some people have a normal amount and some don't have any at all.

There certainly isn't as much sleeping around as I expected.
depends what uni you go to...... the higher up the league tables..... the more work they do... so less sex. And thats a fact that was printed in the guardian

I'm sure even at oxbridge girls are gonna have 20min free a week to get laid.
willy's have been working overtime this year at uni...everyones seems to be getting their slice of the sex pie. In fact a pack of jonnys is a must for your essential packing pre uni.
willy's have been working overtime this year at uni...everyones seems to be getting their slice of the sex pie. In fact a pack of jonnys is a must for your essential packing pre uni.
Reply 8
^^ and why did you feel the need to post that anonymously?
Reply 9
i would take everything you hear with a pinch of salt...
willy's have been working overtime this year at uni...everyones seems to be getting their slice of the sex pie. In fact a pack of jonnys is a must for your essential packing pre uni.

Why buy your own when they hand them out free during freshers week? :biggrin:
Reply 11
Ronaldo VII
Why buy your own when they hand them out free during freshers week? :biggrin:

I got loads of free lube too.
Reply 12
I'm sure even at oxbridge girls are gonna have 20min free a week to get laid.

Indeed we do. However, it's not something that appeals to many people, although there are plenty who do go out and have lots of sex with random people. The majority of people here, however, either have one or two fairly serious relationships, possibly with a couple of flings, or stay single for the entire time. I've been with my boyfriend for the last year and a half, so I've had my fair share of sex, it's just all been with one person. A lot of people do the same.

University is not the den of sex and filth that you think it might be before you come. It's what you make of it; if you want lots of cheap sex you'll find it fairly easily, but it's not like everyone becomes a huge whore the minute they matriculate.
University is not the den of sex and filth that you think it might be before you come.

having heard that i'm withdrawing my application.
Remember in the opening scenes of American Pie 2 with Stifler and Oz?...I'd sort of much rather be Oz than Stifler, just seems better - I've never really understood the point of pointless sex just to have sex:confused: so that's hardly the main reason I'm looking foward to uni.
i would take everything you hear with a pinch of salt...

I heard salt was bad for you.
Reply 16
just a random question. im interested - uni has a reputation for sex, drinking, parties etc. how true is this? how sexually active are most uni students

i want numbers, damnit.

Depends which University...

No to Sex
Yes to Drinking
Yes to Partying and going to clubs (as a fresher)
Ronaldo VII
Why buy your own when they hand them out free during freshers week? :biggrin:

I bet you've still got the packets sitting on your shelf?
Reply 18
I got loads of free lube too.

We attempted to use it to get the girls in our flat to lube wrestle, but realised that three wee packs probably wasn't going to fill a paddling pool...
Reply 19
posted in a newspaper!? must be fact!
