The Student Room Group
Burn your house down.
Reply 2

u passed out yet?
Reply 3
that is very insensitive and unhelpful not to mention completely ming!
Reply 4
OMG!!!!!!!!ZZZZ!!!!1111!!! :eek:

What are you going to do?!!?!

you do know about all the nasty diseases you can get off those unclean things right?

squish it with your thumb :wink:
just block up the hole! or make a cute little woodlouse house froma shoebox and some spare carpet and some sticky back plastic :smile:
Reply 6
Once saw a woodlouse in my house, it flipped on it's back and curled up...then loads of small white woodlice starting coming out. Now that was quite horrible to see.
Once saw a woodlouse in my house, it flipped on it's back and curled up...then loads of small white woodlice starting coming out. Now that was quite horrible to see.

Reply 8
It's probably creeping its way into your bed as we speak.