The Student Room Group
omg n my bf dumpd me n i totally luv him n i wanna die. i luv him 2 pieces y did he hurt me i dnt undstand :confused: :confused: :confused: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:

i c no pnt to liv ne more.

You'll get over it. My advice would be to find out why he dumped you, and if it's a piss poor reason, stick his photo on a darts board, and learn to play darts, spend 1 night totally pissed, and then go shopping with mates and eat lots of chocolate (not cadbury brand, you might get salmonella! :eek:).

Then, move on. There's more to life then men, and you'll meet someone who'll love you just as much as you love them.

Chin up! :smile:
Reply 2
Please put a half legible thread together if you want constructive advice. Maybe he didn't like chav-speak either.