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has anyone used this product for verrucas (sp?)

is it any good ? would you reccomend buying it ?

as the gel stuff have never worked for me, as i always forget to put it on everyday

also for one pack how many times can you use it ? just once ? or several ?

Reply 1
Wartner is the the freezing stuff right. If it is yeh ive used some, hurts like hell but it does work. I think i had to use 2 treatments, make it tiny and i think i nail clippered the remains out.

Not sure about usages, cos i think theres different sizes in the. Im sure ours had about 6 plugs in and one bottle of freezing solution.
Reply 2
yeah wartner is the freezing stuff

think ill tell my mum to get it since nothing else has worked yet
Id advise removing as much of the verruca as possible BEFORE freezing it (using an emery board), because otherwise it doesn't freeze deep enough and has no effect. In my experience anyway.
no do not use it and definitely do not try to remove it with nail clippers! ma mum is a chiropodist and recommends that you use pure tea tree oil only.u can file it but do not remove it as you could get an infection. They go on their own eventually.
Reply 5
my verruca dropped off the day before i was going into hospital to have it removed. the biatch got scared!
Reply 6
LOL cool

erm thing is ive had mine for....years, they are small, and they dont seem to grow, they dodnt even hurt... but i thought now is the time to just get them removed

gel doesnt really work for me so i may try this

any other opinions ? :smile:
Reply 7
my verruca dropped off the day before i was going into hospital to have it removed. the biatch got scared!

How funny. I bet the people at the hospital weren't too pleased :p: