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Separation from gf

Ive been with my girlfriend for just under a year now. things have been amazing, but now i'm really worried about whats gonna happen over the nex few months. in a couple of weeks shes going on holiday for most of the summer and as soon as she gets back, im going on holiday for the rest of it. after that, ill be (hopefully) going to university. i know that if its not meant to be then its not meant to be, but i love her so much and i couldnt bare losing her simply because we're forced to spend time apart. as it is we live on opposite sides of london so its difficult enough to see each other even now; i just worry whats gonna happen next year. has anyone been in a similar situation or give me some words of advice pls? anything would be much appreciated.

thankyou :smile:
How far away from her is your university?
If you've managed to keep it going despite living on opposite sides of London, I'm sure that you'll be able to cope.
Reply 2
Yeah, where are you two going to university? I think that long distance does not mean a relationship will break. Even if you live on opposite sides of London, get her to sleep over at yours, and every minute you spend with her make it special.
Reply 3
I'm at uni in Colchester and my boyfriend lives in Oxford. We've been going out almost a year now and it's going fine. There is a big change coming in that I'm going on my year abroad in september to Spain, but I'm sure things will be fine. It's not the other side of the world and come one there are phones, e-mails, letters, photos...I know it's not the same, obviously, but I say that if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. We'll try our best and hopefully that'll be good enough!
Similar situation for me... My girlfriend's going to uni this autumn about a 2 1/2 hour train ride from where I live, while I'm taking a gap year. We figure it's worth a shot, though, and the worst thing to do would be to break up just before she went. Basically, it's kind of a choice between "break up now" or "try the ldr."

We picked the latter, and if we can make it through the next year, I think it could really work out, because the uni I"m going to next year is only 1 1/2 hours away from hers, so seeing each other once a week / 2 weeks is quite possible. Still not ideal, but I think we can do it.

The problem I have with it, really, isn't the being separated, so much as not being a part of all the new, fun things that she'll have going on at uni. All the events, all the new friends, etc. I really feel like I should be there for all that, and I can't.. That's really what feels worst about it, but I love her, so I'll give it a try.

I realise we're quite fortunate that our unis are so close, and even that her uni is so close to home, because it makes visits that much easier. Still, no matter what the distance, I think that if you really love the person you're with, you have to at least try. Just don't be get your hopes up too much, because the fact is it may not work. Be happy if it does, and accept it as gracefully as possible if it doesn't.

Just my rambling thoughts, for what they're worth. Helped me to think this thing through, hope it helps you, too.