I am stuck in this huge moral dilemma, but firstly I'll give you some background.
My best mate Dan has been with Philippa for a year and a half, it's been on and off.. She keeps deciding she wants other men but always comes back. Shes a bit of an attention whore, really. I began to hate her simply because of what she was doing to Dan, he loves her to bits and she just seems to enjoy toying with his feelings.
Gaz is our mate, we're all on the same course and the three of us have been inseperable since day one. He's a bit of a ladies man, likes to sleep around a bit.. you get the picture.
Dan moved away to Ireland for his placement year less than a week ago.
When Gaz and I went clubbing Thursday night, I was fairly surprised to see Philippa there. Her and Gaz were all hugging and kissing and fooling around, and eventually one of our other friends (drunkenly) told me that Gaz and Phillipa had been sleeping together.. but I shouldnt say anything to either of them because I wasn't supposed to know.
Of course I asked Gaz if this was true, and I quote "Dan will go ape **** if he finds out, please don't tell him'" ect ect..
They are totally best mates.
Dan is a little insecure in himself and he lost a friend recently at uni who had been seeing his ex at the time they were together. It cut him to pieces, and him dreading going to Ireland has been consoled by the fact that the three of us will still have each other in our final year.
What should I do?
If i tell Dan, not only will it break his heart but it would spell the end of the friendship of all 3 of us. Hes out there by himself missing Philippa very much, and I know hes feeling low already.
If I don't tell him, and he eventually finds out I knew, thats the end of our friendship. And he will ultimately feel betrayed by everybody. How can I sit back and let them make fun of him this way??
Any advice would be helpful, thanks guys.