(sorry this is really long - needed to get off my chest i guess!)
So i've been with my boyfriend for nearly a year, and he's smoked weed since he was 16 (he's 22 now, im 18) - but when our relationship started he completely cut down - once every 3 weeks or so, not much, with his friends etc. He said that he'd never do it in front of me, not cause i didn't like it particularly (I really didn't care then), i think it was just because i dont do it so he didn't want to exclude me.
Recently, however, he's started to do a lot more, every day, and started making excuses not to see me because he wants to smoke without the 'guilt' of me being there and not liking it. His friend who is completely addicted dropped out of uni and came home, so he spends all his time smoking with him - even when I'm round he'll invite him over so he can smoke, which means we don't get that much time alone together.
I didn't say anything at first, but then i started suggesting that we maybe could do some things alone, as he's moving away, and I'm going to uni, so i feel like we should value the time we have. At first he agreed, even saying that he wouldn't smoke as his avoidance of me because of it was hurting so much - but now he's developed an 'I mayaswell smoke loads before i move as i won't be doing it there' attitude so I feel even more pushed away.
I am aware that it's an addiction, and so I can't just expect him to stop, but I'm finding it really hard to be supportive as he doesn't really want to try.
Basically my dilemma is this - I'm meant to be going to live with him in his new house this summer, but now we're really not getting on. Does his unwillingness to compromise with me show that he's not worth going to live with, and being really serious about, or will it all change when he stops smoking, and go back to the way things were (amazing).
Apart from all the class C drugs stuff he really is a lovely guy, his addiction just seems to have taken over. I really need advice - do I stay with him or get out of the relationship before it turns long-distance, although I love him, is he worth the effort?