Well, personally I view sex simply as a physical act, which if carried out for the right reasons (that oh-so-abstract concept we like to call "love, or something similar) and with the right individual(s) can have a deeper meaning, ie. something spiritual. I do not however see it in any way a religious act, unless by religion you imply a broad meaning (which I believe you are), in the context of humanistic and the other existentialistic faiths which many believe in.
I myself am half asian and half european, yet have grown up in asia and live here now, I can truly say that the view of many people here is that sex is a means to an end > children. That is exactly what sex has always been about, especially if we look into the animal world, sex is a tool. I do not believe sex is dirty, no matter what quantity it is in, unless your entire purpose becomes simply copulation, in which case you are doing no favours for humanism - you are simply becoming more animalistic in your actions; or if what you practice is harmful and abusive to others or yourself.
Whilst I do not agree with your view of seeing sex as something religious/sacred in the traditional sense, as someone in a similar position, I agree that there is nothing wrong or dirty about it.
Yet remember this; do not try and force your viewpoint onto others. Whilst you may think you hold the intellectual high ground and are correct in every sense, you must recognise that everyone is entitled to their own view and opinion, even if it does not agree with your own. As long as they do not ridicule or oppress you for your view, then you have no grounds to be aggressive, as I sense from some of your comments "But why dirty? Do you think of the genital organs being at the same time... unhygienic? And try to be excited at that thought??? Please let me know! I want to know what I missed during my early teens :P"
However, it seems I spoke to soon, there seem to be a few angry and incoherent people about... "give us all a break and f off"