The Student Room Group
Reply 1
No it's not awkward at all. He'll probably love it :p:

And if he says no.. just be like "Oh ok that's totally cool", and then run away to bedroom and shut yourself in a dark closet and cry for three days rocking yourself back and forth replaying the incident in your mind.
Reply 2
Perfectly normal and alright. If he says no, then live with it and move on. He'll have his reasons and you should respect his boundaries instead of demanding/expecting a positive reply, very much like how males are also often rejected by girls. The difference though, is that the likelihood for a female to be rejected is probably lower than the chance for a make to be rejected.
Is it awkward for a girl to ask a boy on a date ???
What should she do if he says, 'NO' ... ?:confused:

Oh my gosh!! This is totally the same situation I'm contemplating too...I would love to know what you do if he says no....i don't think the asking would be as awkward as the guy saying "NO" though. Good luck. You should go for it....More details? Are you friends?
No it's not awkward at all. He'll probably love it :p:

And if he says no.. just be like "Oh ok that's totally cool", and then run away to bedroom and shut yourself in a dark closet and cry for three days rocking yourself back and forth replaying the incident in your mind.

Reply 5
Oh my gosh!! This is totally the same situation I'm contemplating too...I would love to know what you do if he says no....i don't think the asking would be as awkward as the guy saying "NO" though. Good luck. You should go for it....More details? Are you friends?

WEll we're in the same class.. we relatively close except we don't disclose personal issues to one another ... what else would you like to know?

i'll just disclose myself as well i guess... to you ..
WEll we're in the same class.. we relatively close except we don't disclose personal issues to one another ... what else would you like to know?

i'll just disclose myself as well i guess... to you ..

I guess I might as well disclose myself too...I'm sorry I wasnt being nosey..It's just that it would be easier to give advice if we knew what sort of a relationship you had before. Like whether you are friends or just "colleagues". Well since you have said that you are relatively could go for it...You've got nothing to lose and if you are friends and he says no.....don't let that stop you from continuing to be friends. Just say that its were going to Xor Y place with friends anyway and wondered if he was interested in going with you. Try to laugh it off even though it will probably not be funny. Don't worry you will be fine....

Good luck......

And what if he says "YES"....That would be the best question you ever asked right??
Reply 7
I'd be flattered. And probably say yes anyway because someone had the guts to ask.

As Ron said don't "ask for a date" - just ask if they would like to go to the cinema on Friday. Ask casually, however as I said for the simple reason that someone actally had the courage to ask - or that someone actually wanted to ask me :redface: - I'd agree. They should too!