The Student Room Group



I'm on anti-depressants for chronic pain (cipramil) and unfortunately one of the few side effects I've got is difficulty orgasming. Now obv, I miss this ability, and would like to have it back. Have any of you been in a similar situation? How did you get over it?

Would it be worth buying a rabbit or something nice for myself from Ann Summers to work on this problem? I would be willing to spend a bit to get something with a chance of working.

Yep, anti-deps are a bitch. They make you feel better for a bit then the side effects kick in and you go numb below the waist.

The thing is you can use as many vibrators as you like, but if your brain is blocking your orgasm they're not going to do a thing. Speak to your GP, they should be understanding and will maybe switch your meds.
Occasionally the side effects pass after a period of weeks (up to eight or so); occasionally they don't. If they don't, you may need to switch to another type of anti-depressant, as someone mentioned above; sometimes doctors augment your antidepressant with another drug that can increase libido, but it's unlikely they'll do this.
I experienced this :frown: sucks majorly. Might be an idea to invest in a rabbit but like someone else said, that might not help you get one either. Only when you stop taking the antidepressents will you maybe get your orgasm ability back :smile:

I'm on anti-depressants for chronic pain (cipramil) and unfortunately one of the few side effects I've got is difficulty orgasming. Now obv, I miss this ability, and would like to have it back. Have any of you been in a similar situation? How did you get over it?

Would it be worth buying a rabbit or something nice for myself from Ann Summers to work on this problem? I would be willing to spend a bit to get something with a chance of working.


cipramil for chronic pain?
Reply 5
I experienced this :frown: sucks majorly. Might be an idea to invest in a rabbit but like someone else said, that might not help you get one either. Only when you stop taking the antidepressents will you maybe get your orgasm ability back :smile:



And yeah the cipramil was prescribed for chronic pain. Should it not be or something? :confused:
sounds like the ani-depressants are making you even more depressed. not really a specialist on fenale orgasms but do u always find i dificult to orgasm or is it just a short while after taking the anti-depressant.

I'm on anti-depressants for chronic pain (cipramil) and unfortunately one of the few side effects I've got is difficulty orgasming.

That is a common side effect of SSRIs ( selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors )

Get your doctor to change you to Moclobemide.
It is a RMAOI and works well for depression without interfering with libido or orgasmicity.
Reply 8
...does that work for chronic pain? The OP doesn't actually say they are suffering from depression.
Reply 9
It is used for chronic pain... see this link:
that link is for citalopram not moclobemide.

edit: you may want to read this -
It's about the drug you're taking.
Moclobemide, suggested above, is not used for chronic pain.


And yeah the cipramil was prescribed for chronic pain. Should it not be or something? :confused:

well its common to use anti-depressants for certain types of pain - but at much lower doses than would be used for depression.
I just had never heard of them using Citalopram for it was all.
Someone said already that loss of libidio is a common side effect of SSRIs.
If your pain is well controlled, consider asking the docto to drop the dose a bit. or perhaps to switch to different meds.
I don't know exactly what pain you have, but amitryptilline works well with certain chronic nerve pains, as does carbamazepine.
both can have their own side effects, its a matter of figuring out which suits you best.
Reply 12
The op was discussing cipramil...hence the link to citalopram
ah sorry - your post followed mine and appeared to be answering my question
This is one of the reasons I stopped taking them. I was getting rock hard erections but no release...

I could cum but only after hours of constant yankin my crank...was terrible.

Of course I didn't really need them in the first place, my doctor gave them me as a trial sort of thing...

Try getting some counselling or something (CBT) which is the best way plus you could get off the anti depressants and anti-orgasms then.
Wonderboy Blue

Try getting some counselling or something (CBT) which is the best way plus you could get off the anti depressants and anti-orgasms then.

the OP takes the drug for chronic pain not depression