The Student Room Group

New school...need new friends.

Hi...I have a new school 6th form induction week next week, and I don't know anyone there. Basically, I want to know what I should say to people to try to get talking a bit and get some new friends without them thinking I'm strange for talking to them when I dont know them. I'm not shy once I get going, but theres always the initial shyness of trying to talk to someone.
Any suggestions?
Just say "Hi, I'm [insert name here]" and smile. If that fails add "I'm new and a bit lost, can you tell me where the [insert place here] is?". they might offer to take you/show you around etc and at least you'll have broken the ice with someone. It'll be fine though :smile:
Yeah I know exactly what your going through I went to a sixth form and I barely knew anybody. However induction day gives you the opportunity to mix with people. You wont be only one who going to attend a new sixth form. Usually sixth forms are made up of 75% of students from lower schools. And 25% of student like you I’ve come from different schools. Be confidant, Assewertive and don’t hold back from making friends just because they don’t know you. However I did find it difficult during the first week as majority of sixth formers already came from that school.
Consequently there were some people who were big headed and never really wanted to mix with people because they had already formed there own groups and gangs. Its natural to be shy but nevertheless am sure you will meet someone you share interests with. At the meantime don’t stress it takes time to settle in a new sixth form. Try spending a lot of time in the common rooms that’s where majority of people spend time relaxing and making friends
going to a new school or college is the BEST way to re-invent yourself. dont be shy go in there with loads of confidence and talk to anyone!

cos other wise you'll be on your own and it wont be nice (a mistake i made with my first week of college :redface:)
Reply 4
Lie about your past achievements, and fake your personality. Big smiles, simple langauge, make sure YOU are the centre of attention. See how many different names you can introduce yourself as.

Don't do any of the above.
Reply 5
Yeh just be confident, like you're Miss World.

Also dress for the occasion - try to be sexy - you might get a few admirers

My fav tip - be uncommon in a good way aka unique/original
Reply 6
The bad thing is...I'm not actually going to this school...its just a back up plan if all else fails but I have to at least pretend I want to go. So this week is it, I gotta make my new friends for summer here or...ur...I'm doomed or something.