The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Reply 2
I know a bit of a pointless post... but, what are your thoughts??

er...what as well!
Do you mean "Or"?
Reply 4
Do you mean "Or"?

do you mean 'or' instead of 'er' or 'or' instead of 'of'
If you mean or, Private Eye. The Spectator carries some interesting articles and hasm always had excellent cartoons, but Private Eye is much funnier and reveals information about government and culture that the mainstream media often cannot print.
Reply 6
yeah sorry i meant 'or'!
Reply 7
Mister Cairo
If you mean or, Private Eye. The Spectator carries some interesting articles and hasm always had excellent cartoons, but Private Eye is much funnier and reveals information about government and culture that the mainstream media often cannot print.

However, for all Hislopp's apparent contempt for the establishment he is not prepared to answer correspondence indicating the judicial system is corrupt.
Reply 8
Private Eye all the way. The Spectator prints far too much serious stuff which kind of makes you wonder how Boris Johnson got by as its editor :eek:
Reply 9
true, true, but you've got to love Boris haven't you?!
Reply 10
true, true, but you've got to love Boris haven't you?!

Indeed. He is a total legend.

Boris for Chancellor :biggrin:
He is PERFECT for shadow cabinet minister for further education. Imagine him touring unis during freshers week? Hell, if Karl Kennedy can pack out unions, he'll have no trouble.

As for Private Eye, I love them. Most sued publication (in sheer volume of lawsuits) in history, apparently. It said so on Wiki, i think.
Reply 12
He is PERFECT for shadow cabinet minister for further education. Imagine him touring unis during freshers week? Hell, if Karl Kennedy can pack out unions, he'll have no trouble.

As for Private Eye, I love them. Most sued publication (in sheer volume of lawsuits) in history, apparently. It said so on Wiki, i think.

Shouldn't it be fairly easy to have the same effect as Private Eye without infringing the libel laws so frequently. It would certainly be more influential I wouldv'e thought.
Good for business, all round??
(Conspiracy theory)
I doubt it. The reputation it has gained thanks to the libel case publicity on HIGNFY alone is better advertisement than they could pay for on TV or radio.
Private Eye all the way. Laugh out loud funny,but with a biting satirical and anti-politician- indeed, iconoclastic- view behind it.
Reply 15
Private Eye is just the best thing ever. Nothing comes close. Spectator is much more politically aligned - it's more accurate to compare it to the New Statesman.
Private Eye = legendary.

I have made about £40 from the Colemanballs section. :biggrin:

Boris for Chancellor :biggrin:

Boris for Prime Minister.
private eye, but then again, i've never even picked up a copy of the spectator.