The Student Room Group

how soon after having unprotected sex can u take a pregnancy test?

i regrettably had unprotected sex last night and took a test today, cos i was due on anyway, it was negative, but i dont know if that counts for having sex last night? or if you have to wait like a week before you can tell.
i hope u understand what i mean and can help me in some way.
Reply 1
Its about 3 weeks, it will say on the pamplet in the box of the test.
Can't you get one that works for as short as a week after? The one's after a few weeks are more reliable anyway.
Reply 3
you can get one that shows 4 days before your next period if u dont want there to b a chance then i my advice is take the mornin after pill, then either way it is early and will stop any chacne of many cells forming. You need to take the morning after pill up to 72hours ( i think) after tho.
Jess x
Reply 4
yeah im gona take the morning after pill anyway.

i was jus wonderin tho if it sayin i wasnt pregnant included havin sex last night.. i guess not tho.

Nah. It takes longer than that for your body to produce the hormone levels required to make the pregnancy detectable.
Reply 6
Make sure you wait atleast until the boy takes his penis out.
Reply 7
You can get one that tells in 4 days, called First Response. Or is it 4 days before your period? Just take the pill to be safe :smile: