Woke up this morning and it hurts when I go to the loo. Its ok until the end and then it hurts a lot, and when i wipe (I'm a girl) there is blood on the tissue.
Obviously i'll go to the doctor tomorrow if its still like this. I've had a urine infection before and I don't remember the blood. But just wondered if anyone knew what it could be or anything I could do about it. I've been drinking loads in an attempt to make sure I actually have stuff to pee out.
It feels weird now when I'm just sitting here but maybe thats cos i'm thinking about it too much?
Don't think anyone on here can really put your mind at rest.. Best thing to do is to stick with your plan of going to the doctors I guess, good luck, sorry this wasn't more helpful XX
Don't think anyone on here can really put your mind at rest.. Best thing to do is to stick with your plan of going to the doctors I guess, good luck, sorry this wasn't more helpful XX
Do you think its cystisis?
Was looking online and seems like i have the symptoms.
If it's cystitis, you can get some powder things from boots that you mix into water and drink. If that doesn't work after a couple of days you should see a doc.
Are you on the pill? If so, a little bleeding inbetween periods is normal.
I had the same symptoms a few years back.. a few days later I found out I was pregnent (eerrrggg bad memories!). But if that's not an option for you then it might be cystitis as most people have suggested. Good luck anyway
Yup, it's agony. Also do you feel you need to wee far too frequently? In which case I'd be sure it's cystitis. Keep drinking even tho you want to avoid going to the loo. It doesn't take too long to get rid of and the relief is fantastic.
Yup, it's agony. Also do you feel you need to wee far too frequently? In which case I'd be sure it's cystitis. Keep drinking even tho you want to avoid going to the loo. It doesn't take too long to get rid of and the relief is fantastic.
Yup i pretty much feel like i need to wee all the time, even when i've just been. I've drunk loads this morning and i'll keep drinking, I hate it
I'm really worried about the blood though, because its only there when i've done a wee, when i've wiped it off there's none left- so its definitely wee blood, though my actual urine (sorry to be graphic) isn't red or anything, its just after there is some blood.
Try not to worry about it. I had an infection a while back. Lots of people get it. Doctors first thing tomorrow!!! xxx
Yup I'll be phoning them up as soon as they're open in the morning. Just my luck to get it on a sunday!
Guess there's not much else i can do except keep drinking water and have another sachet thing later. The one i had earlier has not made any difference yet.
Thanks for all the replies btw, reduced my panic a little!
I had cystitus, it hurts loads just before you finish going for a wee (it's almost like a burning feeling) and i had lots of blood in my urine. I can't tell you it's cystitus, but it sounds like it could be. Still go doctors.
Yup i pretty much feel like i need to wee all the time, even when i've just been. I've drunk loads this morning and i'll keep drinking, I hate it
I'm really worried about the blood though, because its only there when i've done a wee, when i've wiped it off there's none left- so its definitely wee blood, though my actual urine (sorry to be graphic) isn't red or anything, its just after there is some blood.
Thats the worst part of cystitus!! And then when you go to the loo you hardly even need to go.
I had cystitus, it hurts loads just before you finish going for a wee (it's almost like a burning feeling) and i had lots of blood in my urine. I can't tell you it's cystitus, but it sounds like it could be. Still go doctors.
thats pretty much exactly what i have. did the doctor manage to sort it?