The Student Room Group

weight obsession

For as long as I can remember I've always had issues with my weight. I wasnt even a fat child - when I look back at photos I was quite thin - but relatives like my nan have always implied that I'm overweight when I'm not and thats where I think the obsession comes from.

In the past Ive been treated for anorexia and I really thought it was behind me. Between the age of about 14 -17 my weight went from really low to normal but over the past year I've managed to sort it out with counselling. I am now 18, 5'2 and 8 stone. People say I'm doing well but I'm so unhappy. When I eat, I feel like a failure. I've stopped the counselling now (even though I think I still need it) but part of me wants me to return to how I was because I was happy then, even when I was ill.

Just now I had a complete breakdown and cried for ages because I feel disgusting. I feel like a failure. My family are getting fed up with me as I'm always paranoid about looking fat and I dont know what to do anymore. I'm so down and unhappy, what can I do to stop obsessing over my weight? I know theres more to life than this and I'm sick of it as some days I'll just stay in bed coz I feel insecure and I dont want to face anyone.
Reply 1
Eating food will not make you fat, its abusing the wrong types of food that'll make you fat. If youre worried about your weight it is much,much better to eat properly and do some exersize than not eating atall and getting ill that way youl get all the nutrients you need and your skin wont look unhealthy and youll become fittter and more toned. Everyone preffers a slim slender and toned body than a stick thin boney skinny one.
BTW, my mum went on a kind of diet of not eating anything os she was convinced she was overweight when she was slim and now she has a b12 deficiency and she has to get injections every month. you dont want to get into that kind of situation
hope this helps
Reply 2
Restart the counselling. This is too hard to do on your own. Do you have a supportive friend you can talk to in the meantime? You have done so well. Don't let it all be for nothing. Try to do something, anything, read a book, go for a walk, don't stay in your room and obsess. Good luck.