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Economics - not at all difficult. Most people start from scratch at A Level. The only thing about Economics is it's quite tricky in the first few weeks to get the hang of using economic terminology, but once you're past that hurdle it's one of the easiest subjects around. Not much to learn at all, all pretty commonsensical, and the exams are very lenient.
Reply 2
OK thats good to hear.

Do you think it is worth to carry onto A level?
Reply 3
Eco exams were NOT lenient this june believe me. Chemistry at Alevels is totally different to GCSE.
Reply 4
According to my sister, the AS level is pretty easy but the A2 gets harder.
Nuheen the exams are always lenient!
Reply 6
The exams were NOT lenient this june believe me. Chemistry at Alevels is totally different to GCSE.

Thanks, how much different in Chem GCSE to Chem AS/A levels?

According to my sister, the AS level is pretty easy but the A2 gets harder.

Reply 7
You did unit 3?
Yeah, easy money. Just throw in the usual stuff about max pricing etc.
Reply 9
The first day they will tell you to forget most of the things you learnt about chemistry since they are not true. Take electron configuration for example. 2,8,8 sort of stuff is wrong. You have to use 1s2s2p3s3p....
Reply 10
I think you chose the first question. I don't even remember them now. But the last question was totally stupid, something about a multiplier. The wording was very poor.
Reply 11
The first day they will tell you to forget most of the things you learnt about chemistry since they are not true. Take electron configuration for example. 2,8,8 sort of stuff is wrong. You have to use 1s2s2p3s3p....

Lol, whats the point of doing chem in year 10 and 11? :biggrin:
Reply 12
No idea :p:
Reply 13
It's easy. If you have good course notes and a reasonable memory it really is very simple. The concepts are very straightforward - common sense really - even for A2.
Reply 14
Economics AQA was easy this year IMO despite it being my worst subject.

Computing AQA is good, and especially the coursework for next year. Our teacher is making us do next years coursework in a few weeks for more VB practice and just incase we need to retake. MUCH easier than last years.
Reply 15
How can you ask if one subject is hard or not? Obviously it depends on your academical ability so its going to be different for everyone.

Reply 16
Ok THanks

any idea about computing?
Reply 17
Read my post.
I'm doing Eco next year, really looking forward to it :smile:
Reply 19
I'm glad I've dropped it. :smile: