The Student Room Group

How is this possible??

This sounds crazy and kind of impossible, but i have been masturbating since i was around 7. God knows how, or why. When i was younger i didnt know what it actually was, but when i found out when i was around 11 (from a school PSE lesson) i got so upset. How is this possible and could this be the reason that now at 18 i cannot orgasm during sex? Has anyone ever heard of this before? I even cant tell my b/f of nearly 2 years because im so ashamed.
Can anyone help?
I assume you're a female.

The solution is realising and truly believing that there is nothing wrong with sex. Which is a truth.

It's called Cognitive Behaviour Therapy...but you can treat yourself.

Also, show your boyfriend what you want him to do! He could just be poo in bed.
Don't be too worried. It is actually quite a common thing. A lot of young kids do it simply because it "feels nice" and it affect them in later life; apart from being slightly embarrassed when you realise what you were doing all those years ago :wink:
I did it - in fact, I think I was even younger than you.
Mind you, I can't really help you in regards to your other problem. I don't think it would have anything to do with it, unless there's a pyschological link there...
Reply 3
hehehe. He could well be... The thing is, we're pretty darn open with each other in general. If there is something i would like i would probable tell him. Its just, this is different, if you get me?
Reply 4
Don't be too worried. It is actually quite a common thing. A lot of young kids do it simply because it "feels nice" and it affect them in later life; apart from being slightly embarrassed when you realise what you were doing all those years ago :wink:
I did it - in fact, I think I was even younger than you.
Mind you, I can't really help you in regards to your other problem. I don't think it would have anything to do with it, unless there's a pyschological link there...

:smile: Thankyou you make me feel so less abnormal. Well the thing is i may well have been younger, but i cant quite remember. 7 is just the earliest memory i have.
Thanks ok :smile:
I'm female by the way - just so you know!
Oh, with the orgasm thing, forgot to mention (you probably alreayd know!) how common it is for girls not to orgasm. Sometimes it just takes a bit of work in finding out what you like (perhaps you should educate him - with your 11 years of knowledge :wink:).
Erm, well what upset you exactly about learning about it in school?
Reply 7
Im not really sure to tell you the truth. Was probably just worry more than anything. A feeling of being different possibly.
This sounds crazy and kind of impossible, but i have been masturbating since i was around 7. God knows how, or why. When i was younger i didnt know what it actually was, but when i found out when i was around 11 (from a school PSE lesson) i got so upset. How is this possible and could this be the reason that now at 18 i cannot orgasm during sex? Has anyone ever heard of this before? I even cant tell my b/f of nearly 2 years because im so ashamed.
Can anyone help?

Many children do this, it's not technically masturbation hen because you aren't doin it for sexual reasons, just curiosity and it's in the nature of a child to do so. Fear not
Reply 9
:smile: was so worried about posting this thread, but i feel relieved that i have after always wandering. Thankyou every one :biggrin:
Many children do this, it's not technically masturbation hen because you aren't doin it for sexual reasons, just curiosity and it's in the nature of a child to do so. Fear not

It is masturbation.

mas·tur·ba·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mstr-bshn)
Excitation of one's own or another's genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse.
Many children do this, it's not technically masturbation hen because you aren't doin it for sexual reasons, just curiosity and it's in the nature of a child to do so. Fear not

I'd hit it so damn hard.

To the OP: Ask him to rub your clit while he's pumping away.
Wonderboy Blue
I'd hit it so damn hard.

To the OP: Ask him to rub your clit while he's pumping away.

What are you on about at all?