The Student Room Group


ive heard many times of "social smokers" turning into "smokers", but has anyone heard of, or experienced themselves, "smokers" turning into "social smokers"??
im a smoker myself, and i want to cut down to just weekends, but i jus cant see myself not smoking on monday if i did on sunday, etc.

any body with tips advice, opinions?? thanks!
Reply 1
there's another thread about social smoking, though it probably doesnt have quite the info you want.

i think it would be very hard to cut down to just weekends, you'd probably get cravings to have cigarettes more often. Possible, probably, just sounds difficult.
Exercise on the days you dont want to should help u deter stikin that fag on your lips after a good work out :smile:
Reply 3
I would try and join a gym and do lots of excercise. Eat a very healthy diet, and basically try and keep your mind off of smoking!
I've managed it. :smile:

How long have you been smoking?? How many on average do you smoke a day?? How many WOULD you smoke per day if you had an unlimited supply of cigarettes?? Did you start off as a social smoker??
Reply 5
everytime u want to smoke, take a sip of water"
eventually u will want water and no fags!
wortha try! xxx
Reply 6
I've been smoking for 7 years- first started before I went to uni the first time aged 17. I used to smoke quite a lot. If out drinking I used to smoke about 20-40 in a night! Felt rough as a badger's bum in the morning tho :biggrin: But over the last couple of years I've really cut down, especially since the smoking ban came in here in Scotland. Now I'm just a social smoker- sometimes I won't smoke for a few weeks, then go out with friends and have 2 or 3. I am aim to quit completely, but sadly after a few beers I'm weak of will... Doing exercise is a good suggestion, it works for me. But at the end of the day it's basically all in the mind. Try thinking about it in a negative light. Instead of looking at the filmstars smoking and thinking it's cool, look instead at the smelly, toothless OAP standing at the bus stop with yellow hair and remember that you're more likely to turn into him than Johnny Depp. If you live that long that is, mind. Also keep remembering things such as if you smoke, you will feel more grotty and breathless- you're going to be the wheezing bag who tries to run for the bus but doesn't make it. If you smoke a bit now, it's much better to quit qhile you're ahead- it will only get harder the longer you leave it. Good luck!
i think it's all in your mind, if you want to cut down, you'll be able to do it quite easily. that said, it does help to have some sort of distraction, when i cut down i used to have those travel mints instead of a cig.
you might find though that once you've cut down you wanna give up completely, i know that when i cut down i had every intention of being a social smoker, but you tend to find that smoking doesn't taste the same as it used to, i mean i've only been quit for 3 months and now i'm starting to find that the taste/smell of cigs repulses me, even on a night out.
Red Samurai
There's already a massive thread on this, so why did you feel the need to make another?

because that one decended into uptight non-smokers bitching about passive smoking and smokers telling everyone how cool it makes them? haha :biggrin: (yes im guilty)

To the original poster: Its about routine. If youve gotten into a routine of having a smoke every monday morning or something its going to be hard to stop because your body expects nicotine at that time of the day/week.

So, make yourself some rules. e.g Im only allowed to smoke on weekends after 8:00 and stick to them. In a few weeks you should get into that routine and thats the only time when your body will get cravings, hopefully.

You could try gum or patches i guess if its getting too hard to resist all through the week