The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I know this is a cliché, but they say that you can never let go of your first love. I think this is true. I mean my present girlfriend is my first love, and hopefully she will be my only. But I know that if today, God forbid, we broke up, I will never be able to forget how good this relationship was. It's how it is. Just think of how well your present bf is and try to remind yourself how much you love him.
Reply 2
I'm never going to get over my first girlfriend. So I have no advice.
Reply 3

at least that's what it feels like at the moment
Reply 4
You will always remember your first love but you need to keep in mind that time has a way of "forgetting" the bad things about someone. There is a reason you broke up keep it in mind. your with your current boyfriend for a reason keep this in mind also. Look to the future not the past as the past has happened and you cant influence it, the future you can
its ok as long as u try not to get into 1 on 1 situations wif ur ex :smile:
I broke up with my first love four months ago and I still don't have any urge to be with another guy. I know where you're coming from and it's tough, but I keep myself sane by reminding myself why we broke up in the first place: his bastard behaviour.
Just be careful whose name you're screaming.
Just don't go running back to him
Reply 9
I know what you mean. I split up with my first proper girlfriend after we had been together for nearly 3 years in my last term at uni. It was alright at the time but now since i have got home for the summer and seen her things are so awkward because we both obviously still have feelings for eachother and I have to deal with the fact that she has a new life now with another guy. Relationships really suck.
Reply 10
I know what you mean. I split up with my first proper girlfriend after we had been together for nearly 3 years in my last term at uni. It was alright at the time but now since i have got home for the summer and seen her things are so awkward because we both obviously still have feelings for eachother and I have to deal with the fact that she has a new life now with another guy. Relationships really suck.

Very similar to my situation! Cept its my ex bf with the new gf who he 'loves loads' but still has feelings for me & moans to me about her. Gah its annoying!
Reply 11
I still love my 1st boyfriend although I have had boyfriends and flings since. I think it's normal. I think it's also normal to have an irrational hatred of their new girlfriend (which I do) !
I think it has a lot to do with your age though. Despite what people say, it's hard to get a proper profound relationship around that age because everything else is working against it and pushing you to just be casual and "enjoy life".
That fact is, relationships like that are rarer than people claim. It's hard to meet someone with whom you connect totally.

I still think about ex-girlfriends I was with 7 or 8 years ago. It's a part of life. You can't just brush aside a past relationship as soon as you start the next.

I'm also wondering if you still see this ex of yours. That's not going to help things. This is just me guessing but I'd say you're just not in the right relationship: after what you had with your ex, you might have chosen a simple and comfortable relationship, grew close to this bf but there was never that spark that there was with your ex. I really think this should make you question your relationship: you've given it 3 years. Sure, some people find it hard to start a new relationship right after a breakup but this is a whole different matter: 3 years is really long.

People don't get over their exes completely but I can assure you that if you're patient, look out for the right person, you'll meet someone who, although he might not erase your ex from your mind, will make you realise that what you had with your ex wasn't as special as you thought... and that you could something just as special if not more special, with someone else.